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The People of La Junta

9:00a to 10:00a
Fri, February 21, 2025
Arian Velazquez-Ornelas
(432) 229-3613, x302

What were the people of La Junta doing here in the Chihuahuan desert?

Learn about the peoples who lived and thrived in the Big Bend Ranch State Park before it was called that. See what they left behind in the stories they tell with pictographs and petroglyphs.

Prepare: Dress for the weather and bring water. We will be inside the Education Center Classroom. No registration required.

Meet: At the Barton Warnock Visitor Center. Located on 21800 FM 170 in Terlingua, TX 79852.

Time: 9:00AM

Fees: This program is free with entry to the park. Regular park entrance fees are $5/adult, free for children 12 & under. Entry fee can be waived if you use your TSPP.