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Information about TEAM Ground Truth - Links, contacts, etc.
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You have successfully uploaded the following Photo:

Add a comment for this Photo
or just click Add Photo button
to continue.

If you are a Registered user,
Log In with your Username and Password.

If this is the ONLY TEAM Ground Truth Observation submission
you will make use the following
Username and Password:

Username: Guest
  Password: Guest1*
(Capital 'G', lowercase 'uest' -
number one - star symbol *)

Contact information (name, email and affiliation)
is required for Guest Login.

Username and Security Answer required to reset password.
Your new password will be emailed to your email account.

If you anticipate making multiple
TEAM Ground Truth submissions,

create a Registered user account.

You are currently logged in as "GUEST"
Contact information (name, email and affiliation)
is required for Guest Login.

Username Guest

Continue to remain Logged In as Guest.
Cancel to Log Out.


Use Tab Key to move between fields

Enter a Username with at least 3 characters. Use your email address if desired.
Password must consist of a minimum of 7 upper and lower case letters and numbers and at least 1 special character (e.g., $ # !)
Enter your email address in the following format xxx@xxx.com
Enter a security question for password retrieval.
First and Last Name Required for Registration
Affiliation Selection Required for Registration
You have the option of making your observations
Public or Private.
Public observations are viewable by all users.
Private observations are viewable by yourself and TPWD Landscape Ecology Program personnel ONLY.
If Private is your default setting,
you can select to make individual observations Public upon observation submission.
Texas Ecological Mapping Systems TEAM Study Area Analysis  Web Map
TEAM Study Area Analysis
Texas Ecological Mapping Systems

About TEAM

What is TEAM?
The Texas Ecosystem Analytical Mapper, TEAM, delivers the Ecological Mapping Systems of Texas (EMS) data to Texas citizens in an easy to use format. The TEAM application is an interactive mapping tool that assists users in understanding the Texas Landscape and integrates EMS data with land management and resource planning of all types.
What can TEAM do?
In TEAM you can view and print the EMS data in relationship to other natural feature layers such as soils, geology, hydrology and ecoregion. You can upload or draw boundary files in order to create and print custom maps and reports of EMS data. Other capabilities include exporting the map and report to a pdf and calculating the number of acreas of each vegetation type within the area of interest.
Who uses TEAM and why?
Anyone can use TEAM but it was designed with Educators, planners, land managers, naturalists, scientists, and conservationists in mind. TEAM supports landscape planning approaches incorporating the most current data and provides an avenue for community involvement in ecological understanding.
TEAM Links, Data, FAQ
TEAM Contacts
Questions/comments contact:
Amie Treuer-Kuehn
Duane German

TEAM Report Options

Analysis Datasets * Tx Ecological System
NatureServe EcoSys
Modeled Landcover
Descriptive Landcover
Wildlife Habitat Type
Select All Analysis Datasets
UN-Select All Analysis Datasets
Add'l Anlaysis
Endangered Species County Intersection
* Report Name
(50 Characters Max)

Add Boundary/Boundaries

Select Rectangle Tool and drag rectangle on map.
Select Polygon Tool and click on map to draw polygon.
Select Circle Tool and click on map to create circle.
Create Boundary
Zoom to Circle Remove  Miles 
Select Polyline Tool and click on map to draw polyline.
Select Feature Tool and click on LWRCRP feature to add to boundary polygons.
Input buffer value (i.e. 1.5) to create boundary(ies) from selected feature ...

  • Shapefile must be zipped (.zip) and contain a .shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj file.
  • Upload KML/KMZ from Google Earth.
  • Coordinate System: Geographic WGS84.
  • Files should not have fields or attributes that contain html markup.
Want to buffer uploaded shapes?

TEAM Report


Change Display Dataset:

Print Report

Select Display Dataset:
Sections to Print:
Map Orientation
Summary Table
Summary Descriptions
Endangered Species Table


Export to Shapefile Export to XML
Export Boundary Polygon
Export EMS Report Detail Polygons
Tx Ecological System Attributes
NatureServe EcoSys Attributes
Modeled Landcover Attributes
Descriptive Landcover Attributes
Wildlife Habitat Type Attributes
float Open Layers Dialog TEAM
Ground Truth
Endangered Species Browser Help & FAQs
This website uses Google Maps. Users of this website are bound by the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service and the Google Privacy Policy

  • Legend Goes Here
Hectares (in Texas):
NatServe EcoSys:
NatServe Number:
Descriptive Landcover:
Modeled Landcover:
Wildlife Habitat Type:
SSURGO Map Extent Legend out of range
Ecological Systems Map Extent Legend out of range
Clear highlights
Symbol Veg ID Name

Identify Layers
Select All Layers
Clear All Layers
Clear Markers
Measure Distance
(red line)

Measure Area
(grey area)

Reset Measure
Go To..........
GO! Zoom to Initial Extent ?
Google Maps Search
GO! ?
Enable Geolocation Disabled ?
Options: Center Map on My Location
Zoom to Accuracy Radius
My Geolocation:
Accuracy:  Meters
Close Clear Log Out
Step 1: Select Existing TEAM Polygon
Enter Coordinates:
Select TEAM Polygon using Latitude/Longitude
TEAM Ground Truth Map Click When this checkbox is checked, a click on the map will query for a TEAM Polygon.
Enable Geolocation Disabled
Center Map on Geolocation
Zoom to Accuracy Radius
My Geolocation:
Accuracy:  Meters
TEAM Polygon

Hectares (in Texas):
NatServe EcoSys:
NatServe EcoSys:
NatServe Number:
Descriptive Landcover:
Modeled Landcover:
Wildlife Habitat Type:
Show Image Hide Image Enlarge Image
Show Distribution Map Hide Distribution Map Enlarge Image
Step 2: Complete TEAM Ground Truth Record
Existing TEAM Polygon CommonName/Veg ID:

Selected TEAM Ground Truth CommonName/Veg ID:

Selected TEAM Ground Truth CommonName/Veg ID:

Select Veg ID/Common Name

Select from All TEAM Common Names List
Select from 2 Kilometer Radius EMS List

Hectares (in Texas):
NatServe EcoSys:
NatServe EcoSys:
NatServe Number:
Descriptive Landcover:
Modeled Landcover:
Wildlife Habitat Type:
Show Image Hide Image Enlarge Image
Show Distribution Map Hide Distribution Map Enlarge Image
Hectares (in Texas):
NatServe EcoSys:
NatServe EcoSys:
NatServe Number:
Descriptive Landcover:
Modeled Landcover:
Wildlife Habitat Type:
Show Image Hide Image Enlarge Image
Show Distribution Map Hide Distribution Map Enlarge Image

Select Dominant Landcover

Select Dominant Species


Select % Woody Cover

Input Comments/Notes

Upload Photo(s)

After uploading your photo,
you can add a comment for the photo.
  •   edit
    Photo Comment: 

Size of Habitat

If habitat that differs from mapped type is smaller
than entire selected existing TEAM polygon
input the approximate size of habitat below.
Entire Selected Existing TEAM polygon
Partial Area of Selected Existing TEAM polygon
(approximate area in square meters)
Input must be a number!

Selection Marker designates approximate center of differing habitat.
To move the selection marker, click on Step 1 above, move the marker
then return to this tab and continue.
Lat:  Lng:
Step 3: Submit TEAM Ground Truth Observation
Existing TEAM:     
Suggested TEAM:  
Dominant Landcover:  
Dominant Species:  
% Woody Cover:  

  • Photo Comment: 
Habitat Size:
Your observations are Private by default.
Click Public if you want this observation to be viewable by ALL logged in users.
Leave as Private if you want this observation to be viewable by yourself and TPWD Landscape Ecology Program personnel ONLY
Please Wait....
Web Service Failed Error Message goes here...
Warning! Caps Lock is on.

Tx Ecological System NatureServe EcoSys Modeled Landcover Descriptive Landcover Wildlife Habitat Type  
Click dataset name to enlarge chart.
Acres Hectares % Total # Polys
More.. weblink
NatureServe Number:
NatureServe EcoSys: NatureServe EcoSys:
Modeled Landcover:
Descriptive Landcover:
WL Habitat Type:
Acres Hectares % Total
Taxon Com Name Sci Name USESA SPROT GRank SRank End SGCN D C M R

D C M - R
Taxon Common Name Scientific Name USESA SPROT GRank SRank End SGCN Desc C M R

Desc C M - R
Query by County(ies) Query by Common Name Query by Scientific Name
Select Counties: Selected Counties:  
Click to

County Outlines
On Map

Type full or partial Common Name
then click Run Query Button
Type full or partial Scientific Name
then click Run Query Button
Query using Map -- click, study area boundary features??
Need to open in a new window!!
View Status Code Key
  • What is TEAM?
    The Texas Ecosystem Analytical Mapper, TEAM, delivers the Ecological Mapping Systems of Texas (EMS) data to Texas citizens in an easy to use format. The TEAM application is an interactive mapping tool that assists users in understanding the Texas Landscape and integrates EMS data with land management and resource planning of all types.
    What can TEAM do?
    In TEAM you can view and print the EMS data in relationship to other natural feature layers such as soils, geology, hydrology and ecoregion. You can upload or draw boundary files in order to create and print custom maps and reports of EMS data. Other capabilities include exporting the map and report to a pdf and calculating the number of acreas of each vegetation type within the area of interest.
    Who uses TEAM and why?
    Anyone can use TEAM but it was designed with Educators, planners, land managers, naturalists, scientists, and conservationists in mind. TEAM supports landscape planning approaches incorporating the most current data and provides an avenue for community involvement in ecological understanding.
    TEAM Links, Data, FAQ
    TEAM Contacts
    Questions/comments contact:
    Amie Treuer-Kuehn
    Duane German

  • Analysis Datasets * Tx Ecological System
    NatureServe EcoSys Select All Analysis Datasets
    Modeled Landcover UN-Select All Analysis Datasets
    Descriptive Landcover
    Wildlife Habitat Type
    Add'l Anlaysis
    Endangered Species County Intersection
    * Report Name
    (50 Characters Max)
  • To Create Boundary:
    Select Rectangle Tool and drag rectangle on map.
    Select Polygon Tool and click on map to draw polygon.
    Select Circle Tool and click on map to create circle.
    Create Boundary
    Zoom to Circle Remove  Miles 
    Lat: Long:
    Select Polyline Tool and click on map to draw polyline.
    Select Feature Tool and click on LWRCRP feature to add to boundary polygons.
    Input buffer value (i.e. 1.5) to create boundary(ies) from selected feature ...

    • Upload zipped Shapefile with boundary feature(s).
      File must be zipped (.zip) and contain a .shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj file.
    • Upload KML/KMZ from Google Earth with boundary feature.
    • Projection/Coordinate system must be Geographic WGS84.
    • Files should not have fields or attributes that contain html markup.
    Want to buffer uploaded shapes?
  • 0

    Change Display Dataset:

  • Select Display Dataset:
    Sections to Print:
    Map Orientation
    Summary Table
    Summary Descriptions
    Endangered Species Table
  • Export to Shapefile Export to XML (coming soon)
    Export Boundary Polygon
    Export EMS Report Detail Polygons with attributes
    Tx Ecological System Attributes
    NatureServe EcoSys Attributes
    Modeled Landcover Attributes
    Descriptive Landcover Attributes
    Wildlife Habitat Type Attributes
    Reset Study Area
foo bar
T.E.A.M. Study Area Report
Texas Ecological Mapping Systems
Footer Text can go here!
T.E.A.M. Study Area Report
Texas Ecological Mapping Systems
Footer Text can go here!
T.E.A.M. Study Area Report
Texas Ecological Mapping Systems
Landcover Types
Tx Ecological System NatureServe EcoSys Modeled Landcover Descriptive Landcover Wildlife Habitat Type
Footer Text can go here!
T.E.A.M. Study Area Report
Endangered Species Table
Texas Ecological Mapping Systems
Footer Text can go here!