Arlington Reservoir 2022 Survey Report
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Arlington Reservoir - 2022 Survey Report
Prepared by Raphael Brock and Cynthia Holt and Thomas Hungerford
Inland Fisheries Division
Dallas-Fort Worth District
This is the authors' summary from a 26-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.
Fish populations in Arlington Reservoir were surveyed in 2021 using hoop nets, 2022 using electrofishing and trap nets, and in 2023 using gill nets and hoop nets. This report summarizes the results of the surveys and contains a management plan for the reservoir based on those findings..
Reservoir Description
Arlington Reservoir is a 1,939-acre impoundment constructed on Village Creek (a tributary of West Fork Trinity River) by the City of Arlington in 1957 to provide flood control, water for municipal and industrial purposes, and recreation. Arlington Reservoir is surrounded by urban development and is almost directly in the center of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. It is approximately 3.8 miles long, 1.6 miles wide (widest point), and has a 20-mile shoreline at 550 feet above mean-sea-level. In addition to run-off from the 143 square-mile watershed, an average of 30,426 acre-feet of water, purchased annually from the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD), is pumped from Cedar Creek and Richland-Chambers Reservoirs. Exelon operates a natural gas power plant on the reservoir, discharging hot water on the west side of the reservoir. It is classified as Eutrophic by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 2022). Angler and boat access were adequate. There are three handicap specific facilities and three boat ramps. Most bank access is at the parks associated with the boat ramps. Fishery habitat is primarily native emergent vegetation in the form of American Water-Willow (Justicia americana) and Button Bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) along with riprap and rocky shorelines.
Management History
Important sport fishes include Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, and White Crappie. All species have been managed with statewide regulations.
Fish Community
- Prey species: Gizzard and Threadfin Shad were present in the reservoir. Catch rates of these species were lower than in previous samples but these species are of high enough abundance to support predators in the reservoir.
- Catfishes: Gill netting catch rate of Channel Catfish in 2023 was a record high with quality fish available for anglers. Flathead catfish are present in the reservoir. For the first time on record, two Blue Catfish were collected in Arlington Reservoir.
- White Bass: White Bass catch rates remained low. This could be the result of spawning activity during sampling or competitive interaction with yellow bass.
- Largemouth Bass: The Largemouth Bass catch rates decreased from the two previous surveys. Fewer fish ≥14 inches were collected. The fish were in good condition.
- White Crappie: White Crappie catch rates were lower than the previous survey but the catch rate of White Crappie ≥10 inches remained the same. Total catch rates were higher than the reservoir average.
Management Strategies
- An additional electrofishing survey will be conducted in fall 2024.
- General monitoring with trap netting, hoop netting, and electrofishing will occur in 2026-2027.
- Lone Star Bass will be requested for stocking in 2025 at a rate of 1,000/km of shoreline.

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-5 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program