Estero Llano Grande State Park

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Estero Llano Grande State Park

  • On the Spoonbill Trail boardwalk, looking towards Ibis Pond and the Visitor Center
    Bring the whole family to learn about the plants and animals of the Rio Grande Valley.
  • Bird Walk Tour
    Take a tour with a birding expert to look for some of the 340 bird species identified here.
  • American Coot
    You never know who will catch your eye as you explore the park's five miles of trails.
  • Wildlife Viewing Deck
    Decks and trails provide great vantage points for observing the park's wildlife.
  • A Sora
    Birds like this Sora appreciate the peace and quiet here: We don't allow cars in the park.
  • Slough Amberwing
    You'll see more than birds here - watch for dragonflies and butterflies, and maybe even an alligator!

Nature’s Orchestra

The orchestra is always in full swing at Estero Llano Grande State Park. You’ll hear birds singing, insects buzzing, frogs peeping, water trickling, leaves rustling, and more. Per­for­mances held daily here in the Rio Grande Valley, about an hour north­west of Brownsville.

Things to Do

Explore trails, add birds to your life list, attend a pro­gram, geocache or commune with nature. Many of our trails and sites are wheelchair acces­sible.

Bring your large or small group for a nature retreat.

To protect the natural experience, cars are not allowed in the park. Plenty of parking is available at headquarters. Bring a bike if you want to explore on wheels!


The park attracts a wide variety of birds, due to its hab­i­tats and its lo­ca­tion; about 340 species have been documented here!

We are part of the World Birding Center, a series of sites in the Lower Rio Grande Valley protecting wildlife habitat.

Indigo Blind: Catch a glimpse of some of the park’s more secretive birds at the Indigo Blind. It’s tucked into an area of the park known as the Tropical Zone, among native trees and tropical non-native fruit trees planted by a previous owner. The blind is ADA accessible and includes a water feature. We fill a feeding station during winter months. Look for forest birds such as Green Jays, White-tipped Doves and Alta­mira Orioles.


Explore wetlands, ponds, woodlands and thorn scrub on more than 5 miles of trails. About 2 miles of trail are wheel­chair accessible. 

We have an all-terrain wheelchair for use in the park. Contact us to reserve the chair for your visit. 

Be safe on the trails, no matter how you access them. Bring plenty of water and travel with a partner.

Nature watching

Nature takes center stage here. Walk the trails or sit quietly on a deck and take in the show!

Alligator Lake is home to a few Amer­i­can alligators. Even if you don’t see an alligator, you may see other animals as you walk through wetlands and brushy areas. Look for Common Pauraque, White-tailed Kite and our wetland birds. You might even see one of our resident bobcats!

Group gatherings

Take your group back to nature!

Camp Thicket’s two complexes offer barracks, full kitchens and meet­ing/dining spaces.

Four group halls are available for day use; some have kitchens.


Our park store sells field guides, gifts and food items. You can also rent items to use at the park:

  • Binoculars: $3 per day
  • GPS units (for geocaching): $3 per day

Get involved

Support state parks by donating to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation.

Ranger Programs

Check our Events page for upcoming programs.

Learn more about the park:


Become a Junior Ranger!

  • Borrow a Junior Ranger Explorer Pack, loaded with tools for exploring the park.
  • Pick up a free Junior Ranger Activity Journal. Complete tasks to earn a badge.


We offer a variety of field trip courses. Choose one or contact us to discuss creating a different course for your class.