State Parks Getaways - Texas Parks and Wildlife E-Newsletter

A Campfire Chat

With Jamie Hackett

Jamie Hackett
Site Manager and Park Police Officer
State Park:
Buescher State Park
Closest City/Town:
Smithville, Texas
Prairies and Lakes
Years with TPWD:
Years at This Site:
Place of Birth:
Bishop, California (We lived in Lone Pine – the Portal to Mt. Whitney)
Hmm…this is always a hard question for me to answer. I grew up in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and Anchorage, Alaska.
Daily Work Duties/Activities:
My daily work consists of customer service, patrol, infrastructure issues, budgets, personnel, business decisions, and staring at the computer way too much; you know…manager things. OK, on a serious note, my daily work is great. I get the opportunity to share my love of the outdoors with our visitors, to light a spark in a child’s eye, to develop my staff and build a great team, and to provide a place where families gather memories to last a lifetime.
Favorite Job Duty:
Any task that gets me out into the woods – prescribed fire, Houston Toad Surveys, trail work, etc.
Accomplishment in the Past Year You are Most Proud of:
Completing my Master of Science Degree.
Most Unique/Interesting Thing About Your Park or Site:
Buescher State Park is the perfect place when you want to experience a relaxing, slow-paced getaway. Nestled within our pine-oak forest, you can go for a paddle on the peaceful lake, watch an abundance of wildlife, or explore the forest with a walk on the trails.
Favorite Outdoor Activities/Hobbies:
Hiking, backpacking, skiing, running.
Non-outdoor Hobbies
Playing with my dogs and cooking.
Who Introduced You to the Outdoors?
Mom and Dad and a donkey named Leaky – thank goodness for them!
Favorite Book/TV Show/Web Site About the Outdoors:
A Sand County Almanac…it’s a classic. Confessions of an Eco-Redneck by Stephen Chapple. Wilderness & the American Mind by Roderick Nash.
Favorite Field Guide:
Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America
Favorite Quote About the Outdoors or Parks:
Its actually from a Dave Matthews Band song, “So let us sleep outside tonight, lay down in our mother’s arms, for here we can rest safely.”
Advice for People Wanting to Explore the Outdoors or Any State Park:
Let yourself go explore with an open mind; really look at something that you never have before – you’ll be amazed by something you didn’t even realize existed. Come visit me and the great staff here at Buescher State Park. And most of all, have fun!

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744
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