Landowner Assistance and Technical Guidance Program
Texas is a diverse state with a wealth of natural resources and a broad range of programs available to assist private landowners who are interested in conservation on their land. The primary function of the Wildlife Division’s Technical Guidance Program is to work with individual landowners or landowner cooperatives on a one-on-one basis, providing advice and information to land managers for the conservation and development of wildlife habitat and the proper management of the various wildlife populations which utilize that habitat. Through this effort, the Department hopes to slow or reverse the decline in quantity of the State's wildlife habitat and improve the quality of remaining habitat. Biologists of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department promote management practices which will maximize wildlife potential, prevent waste or depletion of the resource, provide aesthetic and economic benefits to the landowner, and offer increased opportunity for public use and enjoyment of renewable natural resources. This technical guidance service is strictly advisory and is provided without charge to cooperating land managers.
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