State Parks Getaways - Texas Parks and Wildlife E-Newsletter

A Campfire Chat

With Bill Broyles

Bill Broyles - Big Bend Ranch SP Ranger/Interpreter
Bill Broyles
Park Ranger IV Interpreter
State Park:
Big Bend Ranch State Park
Closest city/town:
Years with TPWD:
Years at this site:
Place of birth:
Wichita, Kansas (but I came to Texas just as soon as I could.)
Alpine, TX
Daily work duties/activities:
Working at the Visitor’s Center, giving 4 x 4 Tours, general maintenance.
Favorite job duty:
4 X 4 Tours
Accomplishment in the past year you are most proud of:
Helping to install the new back country camp sites.
Most unique/interesting thing about your park or site:
The many, many scenic vistas. The opportunity to enjoy lots and lots of solitude.
Most memorable state park moment:
Serving coffee to Nolan Ryan
Favorite outdoor activities/hobbies:
I am a serious amateur photographer. I enjoy taking panoramic photos of the park.
Who introduced you to the outdoors?
My Dad
Favorite book/TV show/website about the outdoors:
Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine
Favorite field guide:
The Sibley Guide to Birds by David Allen Sibley
Favorite quote about the outdoors or parks:
In our park “90 percent of the plants either bite, poke, stick or sting.”
Advice for people wanting to explore the outdoors or any state park:
Just do it.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744
Toll Free (800) 792-1112, Austin: (512) 389-4800
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