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Bigtooth Maple

Bigtooth Maple


Also called Canyon Maple because of its propensity to grow in mountain canyons from Idaho south to Mexico, these isolated populations have led people to call them “lost.” In Texas Bigtooth Maple provides the best show of native fall color in the western half of the state. With the right growing conditions (not too dry or too wet with cold nights followed by sunny days), Bigtooth Maples can produce brilliant displays of red, orange, and yellow. The propeller-shaped fruits delight children and adults alike as the fruits spin and spiral downward when dropped from a height. Perhaps the biggest secret about Bigtooth Maples is the beautiful soft pastel shades of pinks and greens they produce in the spring.

State Parks to Visit

Lost Maples State Natural Area is the premier state park to view Bigtooth Maples. Because the park gets packed with leaf peepers, try to visit on a week day or get there early in the morning on the weekend.

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