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A Gulf Fritillary butterfly on a flower.

A Closer Look At...

Gulf Fritillary Butterflies (the genus Castilleja)

Caterpillar photo by Dale Clark ©


This butterfly takes its name from the fact that migrating flights of the butterflies are sometimes seen over the Gulf of Mexico.

During the summer, you are likely to see the gulf fritillary caterpillars as they feed on leaves of the easy to spot passion flower, Passiflora spp.

A Gulf Fritillary caterpillar on a flower. Photo by Dale Clark

State Parks to Visit

The Gulf Fritillary is commonly seen in parks and gardens, as well as in open country. Its range extends from Argentina through Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies to the southern United States, and they can be seen at parks throughout Texas from at least May through November, from Martin Dies, Jr. State Park to Cedar Hill State Park and down to the World Birding Center parks.

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