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Largemouth bass

A Closer Look At...

Largemouth Bass


Two sub-species are common in most freshwater bodies throughout the state. The northern sub-species is native, while the Florida sub-species has been introduced for its natural ability to attain large sizes. Many Texas waters are reputable for providing excellent opportunities to catch large specimens, attracting many anglers from different parts trying to catch a personal trophy. Female largemouth bass are mainly the ones that attain trophy sizes (greater than or equal to 8 pounds).

The best chance to encounter large specimens is during late winter/early spring, when they swim up into shallow water to spawn. The spawning season, in general, peaks around March and April. Fish may be visible guarding their nests in shallow water. The nice thing about largemouth bass is that they can be caught all year with a variety of fishing tactics. They are the most sought-after freshwater fish in the United States, generating a large portion of a billion-dollar fishing industry.

State Parks to Visit: You should be able to encounter largemouth bass at any state park hosting freshwater lakes and rivers. However some state parks are home to water bodies known for their excellent largemouth bass populations. Recommended parks are Choke Canyon State Park, Falcon State Park, Caddo Lake State Park, Ray Roberts Lake State Park, and Buescher State Park.

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