Comal 2024-2025 Hunting SeasonsCounty Seat: New Braunfels

It is the responsibility of the hunter to be aware of restricted areas in counties

Species Info
General Season
Apr. 1 - June 30, 2025

Bag Limit 1 per person per year
Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement & HIP Certification Required
Central Zone
Zone Map
Regular Season
Sept. 1 - Oct. 27, 2024
Dec. 13, 2024 - Jan. 14, 2025

Daily Limit 15 white-winged, mourning and white-tipped doves in the aggregate, to include no more than 2 white-tipped
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit
Legal Shooting Hours From one-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Nov. 15 - Dec. 1, 2024

Daily Bag Limit 3 in the aggregate
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit
Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement, HIP Certification & Federal Duck Stamp Required
North Zone
Zone Map
Duck Daily Bag Limit with Gun 6 in the aggregate. Includes mergansers.

No more than:

  • 5 mallards (only two may be hens)
  • 3 wood ducks
  • 2 redheads
  • 2 canvasback
  • 1 scaup
  • 1 pintail
  • 1 "dusky" duck (mottled duck, Mexican-like duck, black duck and their hybrids are closed the first five days of the season in each zone)
  • All other species not listed: 6
Coot Daily Bag Limit 15 birds
Possession Limit with Gun Three times the daily bag limit
Nov. 2 - 3, 2024

Veterans and Active Duty Military
Nov. 2 - 3, 2024

Regular Season
Nov. 9 - Dec. 1, 2024
Dec. 7, 2024 - Jan. 26, 2025

"Dusky" Duck
Nov. 14 - Dec. 1, 2024
Dec. 7, 2024 - Jan. 26, 2025

Jan. 27 - Feb. 10, 2025

Daily Bag Limit by Falconry 3 migratory game birds, singly or in the aggregate.
Possession Limit by Falconry 9 migratory game birds, singly or in the aggregate.
Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement, HIP Certification & Federal Duck Stamp Required
Western Zone

West of IH 35

Zone Map
Daily Bag Limit 5 dark geese in the aggregate, 5 light geese in the aggregate.
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit.
Dark Geese
Nov. 2, 2024 - Feb. 2, 2025

Light Geese
Nov. 2, 2024 - Feb. 2, 2025

Eastern Zone

East of IH 35

Zone Map
Daily Bag Limit 5 Early Canada geese; 5 regular dark geese (to include no more than 2 White-fronted geese); 5 light geese in the aggregate.
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit.
Early Canada Geese Season
Sept. 14 - 29, 2024

Dark Geese
Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 26, 2025

Light Geese
Nov. 2, 2024 - Feb. 14, 2025

Species Info
Regular Season
Oct. 1, 2024 - Feb. 23, 2025

Bag Limit 2 per license year.
Possession Limit 2
Species Info Upland Game Bird Endorsement Required
Regular Season
Oct. 26, 2024 - Feb. 23, 2025

Daily Bag Limit 15
Possession Limit 45
Mearns' (Montezuma) Quail No open season.
Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement & HIP Certification Required
Regular Season
Sept. 14 - 29, 2024
Nov. 2 - Dec. 25, 2024

Daily Bag Limit 15 King and Clapper Rails in the aggregate; 25 Sora and Virginia Rails in the aggregate; 15 Moorhens (Common Gallinules) and Purple Gallinules in the aggregate.
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit
Jan. 27 - Feb. 10, 2025

Daily Bag Limit 3 in the aggregate
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit
Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement, Federal Sandhill Crane Permit & HIP Certification Required
Zone B

West of IH 35

Zone Map
Regular Season
Nov. 22, 2024 - Jan. 26, 2025

Daily Bag Limit 3
Possession Limit 9
Zone C

East of IH 35

Zone Map
Regular Season
Dec. 14, 2024 - Jan. 19, 2025

Daily Bag Limit 2
Possession Limit 6
Species Info
All Other Counties
General Season
Sept. 1, 2024 - Aug. 31, 2025

Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement, HIP Certification & Federal Duck Stamp Required
September Teal Only Season
Sept. 14 - 29, 2024

Daily Bag Limit 6 in the aggregate
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit
Species Info Upland Game Bird Endorsement Required

West of IH 35

Bag Limit 4 turkeys. Either sex.
Annual Bag Limit The annual bag limit for turkey (all subspecies), in the aggregate for all counties, is four (4), only one of which may be from the East Zone.
Mandatory Harvest Reporting Via Mobile App or Online
Archery Only
Sept. 28 - Nov. 1, 2024

Oct. 25 - 27, 2024
Jan. 6 - 19, 2025

Fall Season
Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 5, 2025


West of IH 35

Bag Limit 4 turkeys. Gobblers or Bearded Hens.
Annual Bag Limit The annual bag limit for turkey (all subspecies), in the aggregate for all counties, is four (4), only one of which may be from the East Zone.
Mandatory Harvest Reporting Via Mobile App or Online
Mar. 22 - 23, 2025
May 17 - 18, 2025

Spring Season
Mar. 29 - May 11, 2025


East of IH 35

Bag Limit 1 turkey. Gobblers only.
Annual Bag Limit The annual bag limit for turkey (all subspecies), in the aggregate for all counties, is four (4), only one of which may be from the East Zone.
Mandatory Harvest Reporting Via Mobile App or Online
Spring Season
Apr. 1 - 30, 2025

Species Info Archery Endorsement Required for Archery Hunting
North Zone

East of IH 35

Bag Limit 4 deer, no more than 2 bucks, and no more than 2 antlerless, all seasons combined.
Antler Restrictions The provisions of this clause do not apply on properties for which Level 2 or Level 3 MLDPs have been issued. For the seasons listed above, a legal buck is a buck deer having at least one unbranched antler, or an inside spread of 13 inches or greater. The inside spread requirement does not apply to any buck that has an unbranched antler. Not more than one buck with an inside spread of 13 inches or greater may be taken.
Antlerless Deer Antlerless deer may be taken by hunting license tag during archery, muzzleloader, and youth-only seasons, except on properties where antlerless MLDP tags have been issued then take is by MLDP tag only. Antlerless deer may also be taken by hunting license tags during designated periods in the General Season, see General Season section below for specific dates.
Mandatory Harvest Reporting Any antlerless deer harvested during archery, youth-only, muzzleloader, or the 4-doe days during the general season is required to be reported within 24-hours of harvest to the department via mobile application or online. Report your antlerless deer harvest with the “My Texas Hunt Harvest” app (Apple app Store for IOS devices, Google Play for Android devices), or online at
MLDP If MLDP buck tags have been issued for a property, harvest is by MLDP tag only and all bucks must be tagged with a MLDP tag. If MLDP antlerless tags have been issued for a property, harvest is by MLDP tag only and all antlerless deer must be tagged with a MLDP antlerless tag. The landowner or designated agent are responsible for providing MLDP tags to the hunters on MLDP properties. All hunters using MLDP tags are required to possess a Resident or Non-resident General hunting license.
Archery Only
Sept. 28 - Nov. 1, 2024

General Season
Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 5, 2025

Antlerless Deer Nov. 28-Dec. 1, antlerless deer by MLDP tag or hunting license tag. At all other times, antlerless by MLDP tag only.
Early Youth-Only Season Oct. 25 - 27, 2024
Late Youth-Only Season Jan. 6 - 19, 2025

Jan. 6 - 19, 2025

North Zone

West of IH 35

Bag Limit 5 deer, no more than 2 bucks, all seasons combined.
MLDP If MLDP buck tags have been issued for a property, harvest is by MLDP tag only and all bucks must be tagged with a MLDP tag. If MLDP antlerless tags have been issued for a property, harvest is by MLDP tag only and all antlerless deer must be tagged with a MLDP antlerless tag. The landowner or designated agent are responsible for providing MLDP tags to the hunters on MLDP properties. All hunters using MLDP tags are required to possess a Resident or Non-resident General hunting license.
Archery Only
Sept. 28 - Nov. 1, 2024

General Season
Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 5, 2025

Early Youth-Only Season Oct. 25 - 27, 2024
Late Youth-Only Season Jan. 6 - 19, 2025

Special Late
Jan. 6 - 19, 2025

Special Late Season During the Special Late Season, harvest is restricted to antlerless deer and unbranched antlered bucks. An unbranched antlered buck is any buck deer with an antler having no more than one point.
Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement & HIP Certification Required
Regular Season
Nov. 2, 2024 - Feb. 16, 2025

Daily Bag Limit 8
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit
Species Info Migratory Game Bird Endorsement & HIP Certification Required
Regular Season
Dec. 18, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2025

Daily Bag Limit 3
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit
Jan. 27 - Feb. 10, 2025

Daily Bag Limit 3
Possession Limit Three times the daily bag limit