Summer 2009
Getting Better All the Time
New State Park Interpretive Exhibits Flourish With Increased Funds
What if you led a horse to water and it didn’t know how to drink?
That odd challenge faces state parks trying to help an increasingly
urban public understand nature and history. The good news is, a rich
array of new interpretive exhibits and facilities is available for families
seeking excursions close to home, thanks to increased funding from the
Texas Legislature.
A Campfire Chat
With Bill and Bonnie Allison
In every issue of State Parks Getaways, we go behind the
scenes. In this issue, we interview Bill and Bonnie Allison, Park Hosts
at Tyler State Park.
Activity / How-To
5 easy tips to help you get started in butterfly watching today.
“The highest enjoyment of timelessness,” wrote novelist and lepidopterist Vladimir Nabokov, “is when I stand among rare butterflies and their food plants.
This is ecstasy, and behind the ecstasy is something else, which is hard to explain. It is like a momentary vacuum into which rushes all that I love.”.
A Closer Look At...
Gulf Fritillary Butterflies
Looking for a Quick Getaway?
Destination: Junction, Texas
Junction boasts first-class fishing, plus all the meat and pie you can eat.
Featured Event
July 11, 2009 — Fanthorp Inn SHS — Stagecoach Days
Join cowboys, musicians and period characters for a trip into the past.
Ride our bright red, replica stagecoach; tour the 1850s stagecoach inn;
listen to the sweet sounds of the Star of Texas Dulcimers and enjoy
the oft-times funny, sometimes sad cowboy poetry of Kenny Lewis. The
entire family will enjoy a day of nostalgia with out-of-the-ordinary
experiences, so pack a picnic lunch and come see us. 11 a.m.-3 p.m.;
suggested donations of $4 adults, $2 children 12 and under (936) 873-2633.