Vacation 2009
Goose Island State Park “Getting Better Than Ever"
Park System Improvements Reflect Support From Voters, Legislature
Goose Island State Park has had more money to make major repairs and meet the rising costs of utilities and waste disposal, thanks to new funding provided by the Texas Legislature. The changes mean a more fun and educational visitor experience, plus safer and more comfortable facilities.
A Campfire Chat
With Waymon and Virginia Gill
In every issue of State Parks Getaways, we go behind the
scenes. In this issue, we interview Waymon and Virginia Gill, Park Hosts
at Davis Mountains State Park.
Activity / How-To
How to Fillet a Fish - Get your catch ready for the table.
Should today's conservation-minded anglers catch fish to eat? The answer is an emphatic yes! Fishing regulations for both fresh water and salt water are designed to allow some harvest, provided, of course, that anglers adhere to length and bag limits.
A Closer Look At...
Largemouth Bass
Looking for a Quick Getaway?
Destination: Port Aransas, Texas
In the off-season along the Coastal Bend, you'll find whoopers, funky art and miles of uncrowded beaches.
Featured Event
September 4, 2009 — Fort Leaton SHS or Barton Warnock Environmental Education Center — Hoodoos Full Moon Hike
Fort Leaton SHS or Barton Warnock Environmental Education Center — Hoodoos Full Moon Hike — Join Park Rangers on a one-hour, one-mile hike along the Rio Grande River. We will talk about nocturnal wildlife of the Chihuahuan Desert and maybe tell a few ghost stories as we walk through the hoodoo formations. Meet at either Barton Warnock Environmental Education Center, in Lajitas, or at Fort Leaton State Historic Site, in Presidio, for a 25-mile drive to the Hoodoos (transportation not provided). The moonlight will be bright, but bring a flashlight and wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. 7:15-10:30 p.m. (432) 229-3613.