Water Body Records for Spring Lake Park

Updated September 19, 2024

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Weight Records

This page ranks weight records caught by rod & reel, fly rod and bow fishing. All-Tackle rankings are displayed on a separate page.


Rod & Reel
Species Weight Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bullhead, Black 2.06 16.00 Sep 4, 2005 Alexandra Zimmerman  
Catfish, Channel 5.00 23.50 Oct 14, 2006 Alexandra Zimmerman earthworm 

Junior Angler

Rod & Reel
Species Weight Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bullhead, Black 2.06 16.00 Sep 4, 2005 Alexandra Zimmerman  
Catfish, Channel 5.00 23.50 Oct 14, 2006 Alexandra Zimmerman earthworm