Water Body Records for Tankersley

Updated September 19, 2024

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Weight Records

This page ranks weight records caught by rod & reel, fly rod and bow fishing. All-Tackle rankings are displayed on a separate page.


Rod & Reel
Species Weight Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bass, Largemouth 2.19 15.00 May 22, 2009 Whitney Smith plastic worm 
Catfish, Channel 11.00 30.50 Jul 12, 2007 Danny King Danny king's Punch Bait 

Junior Angler

Rod & Reel
Species Weight Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bass, Largemouth 2.19 15.00 May 22, 2009 Whitney Smith plastic worm 

Catch and Release Records (by length)

All Ages

Rod & Reel
Species Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bass, Largemouth 23.75 Mar 12, 2024 Tyler Nugent Strike King Hack Attack S