Wildlife Management 2004 Symposium Set for Kerrville

Steve Lightfoot, 512-389-4701, steve.lightfoot@tpwd.texas.gov

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Note: This item is more than 20 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

KERRVILLE, Texas — The Texas Organization of Wildlife Management Associations (TOWMA) will be holding its biannual conference here at the Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel and Conference Center on Aug. 12-14.

The focal point of the conference is the two-day Wildlife Management 2004 symposium.

"This symposium is arguably the best in Texas with a wide range of topics of interest to landowners and land managers," said Gary Homerstad, a technical guidance biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. "Everyone interested in wildlife management is invited to attend."

The symposium will kick-off with a mixer/social on Thursday evening. The symposium program begins on Friday morning with keynote speaker Robert L. Cook, TPWD executive director.

Sen. Ken L. Armbrister, Chair of the Texas Senate Committee on Natural Resources, will also be on hand to talk about water issues.

The morning session includes six more topics with several notable speakers. There will be a noon luncheon with special guest speaker Bob Turner, a rural issues consultant. The afternoon session will focus on quail, dove, turkey, songbirds, and waterfowl. Other topics will include prescribed burning and a panel discussion of wildlife management co-op issues. There will be an evening banquet with entertainment by country singer/storyteller Donnie Blanz.

The symposium continues on Saturday morning with the focus shifting to deer. Clayton Wolf, TPWD big game program director, will be the lead speaker.

Several renowned deer authorities will be sharing their knowledge and skills, including: Bob Ramsey, an 85-year-young rancher and author, who will talk about rattling up bucks. Al Brothers, a nationally recognized wildlife biologist and author, will talk about observing and evaluating whitetails.

The session will include five other deer-related topics and will end with an introduction to the Kerr Wildlife Management Area. The symposium will conclude with an optional tour and barbeque at the Kerr WMA.

Registration for the conference is $100 ($150 with spouse) and includes the mixer/social, luncheon, and banquet. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased for $25. The optional Kerr tour and barbeque is $20 per adult and $10 for children younger than age 12. Credit cards are accepted. For more information, contact Norman Schultz at (979) 249-3958 or visit the TOWMA Website at (http://www.towma.org/). The optional tour or meals at the luncheon and banquet cannot be guaranteed if you register at the door.

The Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel has blocked a limited number of rooms at a group rate of $70 (plus tax) single or double. Children younger than age 18 stay free in same room with parents (ages 18 and older are $10 extra). Be sure to say that you are attending the TOWMA conference. Call toll free (877) 967-3767 to make reservations.