Hurricane Gustav Update From TPWD: Texas Game Wardens Deploy, Some State Parks Close, Other Parks Accept Evacuees

Tom Harvey, 512-389-4453,

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Note: This item is more than 16 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

Below is information sent by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to the Governor's Press Office earlier today. The governor's office is coordinating official communication about Gustav for the State of Texas, including TPWD activities. The following information is provided as a service and convenience for TPWD's audience. For complete information, see the Texas govenor's web site at, or news media may phone the press office at (512) 463-1826.

Regarding Texas State Parks, several parks in Southeast Texas are closed due to Gustav, as noted below. Other parks outside the area affected by the storm are accepting people evacuating from areas hit by the storm. Evacuees from storm-damaged areas may tent camp at no cost in Texas State Parks, and they may stay in cabins or screen shelters at discounted rates. The Texas State Parks reservation center is closed today, Sep. 1 for the Labor Day state holiday. The reservation center will reopen Tuesday morning, at which time people can phone (512) 389-8900 for the latest information, or see the TPWD Web site ( Meantime, the public should phone individual state parks to see whether a park is closed or accepting evacuees.

Texas Game Wardens/TPWD Law Enforcement Division

  • TPWD has more than 230 game wardens and equipment deployed or ready to deploy to respond to Hurricane Gustav.
  • There are three "strike teams" consisting of 50 personnel in each unit, which includes game wardens, supervisors, radio technicians, GIS teams and boat mates geared up with trucks, boats and fuel trailers.
  • These three teams are stationed in Navasota (at Camp Allen), Tyler (at the Smith Center) and another team is currently enroute to Navasota. One of the teams staging in Navasota is poised to deploy into Louisiana should the need arise.
  • We have staff manning the Austin EOC 24/7 and we also have a Major stationed at the Louisiana EOC in Baton Rouge.
  • In addition to these strike teams, there are 40 wardens on standvby in the Houston area and 40 in the Rusk area equipped with boats and trucks.

Texas State Parks

  • Village Creek State Park: Remains closed with no campers.
  • Martin Dies State Park: Park remains closed with no campers.
  • Lake Livingston: Park has begun a mandatory evacuation and expects to have the park cleared and closed to the public by 5:00 pm today.
  • Sea Rim: Park remains closed from Hurricane Rita. Park staff have evacuated and will return after the storm passes.
  • San Jacinto Complex: Park has executed their hurricane preparedness plan; however, plans to remain fully operational and open to the public with normal park staffing (day-use only park).
  • Sheldon Lake: Park has executed their hurricane preparedness plan; however, plans to remain fully operational and open to the public with normal park staffing (day-use only park).
  • Galveston Island: Park has executed their hurricane preparedness plan; however, plans to remain fully operational and open to the public with normal park staffing. Park does remain on standby for a possible evacuation and is not accepting evacuees.
  • Stephen F. Austin: Park has executed their hurricane preparedness plan; however, plans to remain fully operational and open to the public with normal park staffing. SFA will accept evacuees if necessary.
  • Brazos Bend: Park has executed their hurricane preparedness plan; however, plans to remain fully operational and open to the public with normal park staffing. Brazos Bend will accept evacuees if necessary.
  • Lake Texana: Park has executed their hurricane preparedness plan; however, plans to remain fully operational and open to the public with normal park staffing. Lake Texana will accept evacuees if necessary.