Culinary Weekend

If you’re into fresh, locally-sourced food and connecting with nature, join us as our group forages for wild foods. Then Austin chef and author Jesse Griffiths cooks them into an awesome meal. All this freshness takes place at ecological showpiece Llano Springs Ranch, part of the new Explore Ranches conservation enterprise.
Culinary Weekend
Season 1 Episode 10

Under the Texas Sky: S1:E10: Culinary Weekend at Llano Springs Ranch
Major support for this podcast comes from the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Foundation: Conserving Our Wild Things and Wild Places for Over 25 Years.
[Jesse Griffiths—09]
Still missed a few…So, I’m gonna start with the fish. I’m gonna do some
I’m gonna filet all of them. I know they’re kind of small [begin fade]
but we can
still get some nice filets…
It’s been said, “we are what we eat.” Whether it’s a carrot that was in
the ground
yesterday, or a chicken from a farm yard last month, today those things
are now
cells in our bodies.
[Jesse] We could probably get these in lime juice and olive oil… [fade
and play
under narration]
Lots of us have long been concerned about nutrition, about how what we
affects our health. But in recent years, there’s been a cultural wave of
folks who
want to know where their food comes from. And for more and more people,
means locally sourced edibles. We may shop at a farmer’s market, grow a
vegetable garden, or…perhaps the ultimate step on the locavore ladder…go
in the wild.
[Tom Harvey & Jesse Griffiths NAT SOUND—10]
[TOM] What are we doing here?
[JESSE] Pickin’ agarita. We were lucky to beat the birds to this bush.
beautiful… [trails under narration]
What would it be like to go to an award-winning Texas ranch…and to forage
among the acres…and then to eat Michelin star meals using what you had
gathered… with dishes prepared by a renowned chef who specializes in wild
and game…and then eating only what was harvested right there on the
ranch? If
that sounds as good to you as it does to me, then we invite you to the
table. In this
podcast we’re serving up a tasty new twist on some age-old traditions.
From Texas Parks and Wildlife…this is Under the Texas Sky …a podcast
nature…and people… and the connection they share…I’m Cecilia Nasti.
[RANCH NAT SOUND, CRICKETS AND BIRDS] bring up under narration…
It’s hard to imagine a more picture-perfect setting for a weekend
outdoors than
Llano Springs Ranch, just south of Junction. And it’s no ordinary group
gathered here. On this weekend the ranch is hosting Chef Jesse Griffiths
and his
crew. He’s an Austin restaurateur, cooking instructor and author of
Afield: A Chef's
Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish. Jesse owns Dai Due
butcher shop and restaurant in East Austin, and the Dai Due taqueria in
Austin. He also operates the New School of Traditional Cookery. Jesse’s
made a
name for himself teaching people not only how to harvest wild food, but
also how
to cook what they collect.
[Jesse] It’s super important to get like a good sear on the meat, where
building up this crust on the bottom of the pan…
[fade searing under narration]
It was a wild food weekend...and Tom Harvey was there to sample and
[TOM HARVEY] At Llano Springs Ranch, the spring fed South Llano River
chilly cool and crystal-clear right down in front the ranch house. For
decades the
Vandivier (VAN-duh-veer) family has poured their time, money and sweat
into improving the property—removing invasive brush, helping springs
restoring native grasses and more. The result is an ecological showpiece
of wild
abundance, which earned them a Lone Star Land Steward Award in 2007.
turkey, songbirds and all manner of creatures great and small roam here.
bass swim in the ranch’s spring-fed “blue hole”—think Barton Springs Pool
Austin or Balmorhea in West Texas. All this abundant beauty draws folks
from all
over, who come here to hunt or fish, kayak or swim in the clear water, or
just hang
out and hear the breeze blow and the birds sing. This weekend, there’s a
bit of all
of that. About a dozen people have gathered to explore, to relax…and to
forage for
wild food, cook it and eat it.
[Margaret Martin NAT SOUND - 06] I like the smaller paddles, because
more tender, they have a lot more flavor… [fade ambience under script]
[TOM HARVEY] Ranch visitor Margaret Martin is picking prickly pear cactus
pads. You know, the round green pads with all the thorns sticking out.
Yeah, the
team is gonna roast ‘em to burn off the thorns and cook ‘em. In Mexico,
they call
this Nopal.
[Jesse Griffiths & Tom Harvey – 1:02]
[Jesse] Nopal has a…has a really strong role in Mexican cooking. It’s a
prominent wild vegetable. It’s easily identifiable...
[TOM] That sizzling is the nopal…
[Jesse] Yeah. That’s the moisture in them bubbling up from the fire. It
is a cactus
and it’s got some spines that can be anywhere from painful to annoying.
But I love
prickly pear and I think many people might recognize it from a menu but
might not
make the connection between what it is. Or, just the rampant availability
of it. The
fact that it’s literally everywhere. And I think that’s one thing that we
really want
to convey is that there is food everywhere around us. There are edible
plants and
things that you can eat everywhere. From prickly pear to agarita to
blackberries to
snails to fish to axis [deer] to hogs. Name it, there’s food out there
everywhere and
it’s yours for the taking.
[Andy and Erin Buckingham - 20]
[Andy] I think the foraging thing sounds kind of cool. And. I‘d love to
see the work
they’ve done on the ranch.
[Erin] Yeah, that’s what I want to see. She was telling me this morning
that they’ve
done a lot of restoration on the land, naturally. And cleared a lot of
cedar. And
that they’ve kept up with it. So, I want to see what they’re doing. [fade
under narration]
[TOM HARVEY] Erin and Andy Buckingham are paying customers this
weekend, lured out to Llano Springs Ranch from Austin.
[Andy Buckingham - 29] We jumped at the opportunity when we saw it. It
up on an email invite through the Dai Due email chain. And we saw this
opportunity to come out to a new ranch, had heard about the blue hole.
So, the fact
that we could be on that ranch was pretty exciting, the fact that Jesse
was gonna be
bringing out the Dai Due crew to cook for us all weekend, and bring the
and the good times—that was all we needed, so we signed up right away.
[TOM HARVEY] This didn’t happen by accident. The culinary ranch
is the brain child of Jay Kleberg and his partners, who have started a
called Explore Ranches. This enterprise opens the gates of some primo
to anybody who’s willing to pay to help support a ranch’s conservation
places with big mountain views, beautiful rivers and springs, and more.
For a price,
you can head out there and it’s your ranch for the weekend. Like many
concerns connected with wildlife and the landscape in Texas, it’s a
profit project
with a heart, aiming to do good things for wild things and wild places.
And, to help
city folks get back to the country…
[Jay Kleberg INTERVIEW - 29] Unless you’re a landowner, or you know a
landowner [in Texas], having access to private land with accommodations
Texas specifically is a challenge. And what we’re offering is the ability
to choose
an eco-system and a landscape that you’d like to visit on any weekend
the year and be able to go visit that place, and in most cases, have
interaction with
a multi-generational family who know the history of the land. They can
bring the
landscape to life in many ways, and I think that’s a pretty special thing
that not
many people have access to, and we want to provide that.
[TOM HARVEY] Meanwhile, back in the ranch kitchen, Jesse is holding
cooking and talking, explaining what he’s doing, with a dozen or so folks
round, watching and learning. Right now, he’s fixing to prepare some of
the fish
that Erin caught down at the blue hole earlier. They’re bluegill and long
sunfish, not the biggest swimmers out there, but Jesse explains why
bigger isn’t
always better.
[Jesse Griffiths—59] I’m a big fan of sunfish... I think they’re
fish…They’re aggressive, and hard fighters, they’re delicious, beautiful,
prolific. I just think they’re underrated. Light tackle. They’re super
fun to catch….
So this is a longear. Yeah, this is a longear. This is that big one that
you caught.
Yeah, so this is a total Hill Country native right here. Yeah, I swear
it’s one of the
biggest longear…. I mean, they usually don’t get over four, five inches.
This is a
trophy. Trophy longear right here.
[Guest] You got a picture, right?
[Jesse] Yeah, I got a really good picture of it… We’ll actually come up
enough meat on there for a soup. I like to make soup out of fish . If we
don’t have a
lot of big fish, a really good thing to do is just make soup because it
goes pretty
far. All you need is bones and a little bit of meat and you kind of make
up for it
with potatoes, and if corn’s in season, stuff like that.
[TOM HARVEY] Later, Jesse made time to talk about this ranch weekend,
cool about it, and why he thinks it’s important.
[Jesse Griffiths INTERVIEW – 3:36] - I think food is a great way to get
to connect with the natural world because everybody has to eat, generally
times a day. That gives us a lot of time for conversation in there. And
I’m not
saying that every meal has to have a lot of intention behind it or be
completely from the wild, but I really enjoy talking with people and
people about foods that are available to them from where they live and I
think it’s
really important to use your own resources and also to steward those
resources. In
the best way you possibly can.
I live in the city and I understand how hard it is to connect to the
natural world a
lot. But, you know, even in the city, it’s all around you. I mean, we
have loquat
trees and blackberries and plums and pecans and all kinds of things that
are all
around us.
We have one of the best fisheries probably in the country, a few minutes
from East
Austin, that being the Lower Colorado River. Basically, untouched
resource down
there. And it is available to people in cities. And, I think that if you
choose to see it,
then you’ll be able to experience more of it and utilize that resource.
I think hunting and fishing and food are, can be a little misunderstood.
Fishing is
easier for a lot of people to connect with, I think, because of its
perceived lower-
impact or, you know, not as hard, with guns involved, things like that,
but fishing
for food has been around for quite a while.
We are definitely starting to see a shift in younger urban people
becoming more
interested in fishing and hunting. I think it’s a pretty natural
extrapolation from
your farmer’s market, your local food conscientiousness. Maybe they’ve
got a few
chickens in their backyard and maybe they’ve planted a small garden plot
and that
maybe planted a seed that, “Oh, I could, I could continue along this same
trajectory and get more food for myself.” Or have the knowledge of where
food came from, which, once they’ve grown their own tomato, they, it’s a
easy mental leap to, “Oh, this tomato is pretty amazing. I bet a redfish
or a catfish
or a feral hog or a dove that I went out and got myself would be this
Because there’s an intangible quality to something you’ve foraged or
hunted or
caught yourself.
Maybe it’s knowing the whole story of how it came to hand, but I think
that with
the level of education that people have now and how we’re just kind of
that people are making that connection and they’re not putting the former
prejudices they might have had against hunting and fishing… and they’re
to be more openminded.
And so, we’re seeing kind of a, a bit of a push for people in cities to
at least
experience it. Maybe not do it constantly and maybe not be completely
and only eat foraged, hunted, and fished items in their homes, but at
least to go out
and give it a try once… or try to make some sort of practice of it.
From Texas Parks and Wildlife…this is Under the Texas Sky …a podcast
nature…and people… and the connection they share…I’m Cecilia Nasti.
Support from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation allows us to bring
stories from Under the Texas Sky. In fact, since 1991, the Foundation has
more than $190 million to conserve the lands, waters and wildlife of our
You can help by becoming a member. Find out how at
We’re enjoying a culinary weekend at Llano Spring Ranch. It’s a beautiful
that the Vandivier family has turned into an oasis of wild abundance. Tom
Harvey’s been our guide.
16a [TOM HARVEY] It might seem like there’s an awful lot of lovely
here this weekend…but wait, there’s more! How ‘bout some live music from
great songwriter?
[TOM HARVEY] Owen Temple is a folk and country music songwriter and
musician based in Austin. He's been a finalist or winner of multiple
competitions, a professional musician for 20 years, partly as a member of
Austin rock group Band of Heathens. He landed a golden ticket to be here
[Owen Temple - 36] - The way I ended up here is by, I think around New
Year’s I
was renewing my memberships and giving to a few of the causes that I care
I was grateful for some really nice experiences outdoors around the
beginning of
the year, and I was thinking about organizations that help enable me on
great state parks trips. And so I gave to the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Saw there was a raffle, and I was like, oh, there’s one more reason to
make a
contribution today, and happily a few weeks after that, I found out that
I won to be
able to come on this culinary experience here at Llano Springs Ranch.
[TOM HARVEY] Owen has lived much of his life in the big city, and he’s
his share of loud music and crowds. But like many people, he values time
[Owen Temple - 46] - The rhythm of flashing screens and inboxes and
notifications and traffic and, I think we weren’t built for that. We
didn’t evolve in
that type environment. We need bird sounds. We need breezes. We need
motion. We need to be still in order to really…the word recreation means
to re-
create, you know, and I think that one thing we need to do, the outdoors
to do, is to
re-create ourselves. After coming out here, you know, you all should be
ready to
tackle some complex problems that we all got to do in our job. We gotta
think hard and…I think after being outdoors, you’re ready for that type
of work
[TOM HARVEY] All of us can see how things have changed, with more houses
and buildings and roads covering the landscape all the time. We remember
used to be a vacant lot, or an open field, or a stand of big trees. Maybe
it’s a place
we used to drive by and see all the time, or maybe it’s someplace we
played as a
kid. And now it’s gone. Of course, there’s still a lot of good left
that’s worth
saving. There are still wide-open spaces and places like Llano Springs
Ranch. But
like us, Owen Temple has noticed the changes, especially the exploding
growth of
his hometown, Austin. And what’re you gonna do about that, if you’re a
Well, one thing you do is write songs.
[Owen Temple DRY CREEK SONG - 109] - Yeah, speaking of being inspired by
outdoor places and people, this was kind of inspired by a place that’s on
Balcones fault line, not far from Central Austin, the edge of the Hill
Country where
there’s a great old bar and a lady that ran it for a long time. It’s
called Dry Creek.
[TOM HARVEY] We’ve put Owen’s entire song on our Podcast page as a
separate bonus for you. So, go listen to the whole thing there if you
wish. It’s a
hopeful song, about somebody standing up for something worth saving. And
strikes a chord with pretty much everyone at the Llano Springs Ranch
weekend. They see work to do to take care of our natural world, plenty of
it, yet,
both Jay Kleberg and Jesse Griffiths see good reason to hope.
[Jay Kleberg – 1:38] - What I’ve learned, in my childhood, and my work
Parks and Wildlife Foundation, is that it takes a team. From the private
landowner—especially in Texas, it’s 95% privately owned—to the
organizations, and then people that ultimately support those efforts,
whether that’s
through their own contributions, or hunting or fishing or just being
outdoors. And,
so, my hope is that when people actually get out onto these landscapes
and learn a
little bit from the landowner about what it takes to steward that
wildlife and
wildlife habitat, that hopefully they go home and realize that it’s a
team effort, and
that in order for Texas and really other places, not just in the United
States, but
elsewhere, to stay somewhat wild, that they need to get engaged somehow,
that’s with their time or with their money.
[Jesse Griffiths – 1:13] - I am very optimistic about it, because I think
sometimes, you know, we might push things to the brink—we tend to do that
a lot,
as a human race, we kind of like to come in for that last minute save a
lot of times.
And I think that we are on the right path right now. I feel really good
about the
consciousness behind food; the conversations that we’re having. We’re
more of a
microcosm of the state of Texas, I feel very good about it. We have our
own issues
here between public and private lands that are nuanced and complex. But
at the
same time, I think that we can take that culture of mostly private land
and really
make it work from a stewardship aspect, along with the incredible
resources that
we have from public lands and our Parks and Wildlife Department, which I
have a
lot of respect for. And how they get out there and educate and try to
involve people
in the outdoors very aggressively. So, I’m very optimistic about it. And
I think that
there’s a lot of signs out there that could cause one to be pessimistic,
but I think
that we can—I think we’re on the right path.
[Guest] That was really yummy.
[Jesse] Yeah…so good. [continue under narration]
24 [TOM HARVEY] From Llano Spring Ranch…this is Tom Harvey.
Before we go, we want to share a Shout Out to the Wild. It’s where you
get a
chance to share a memory or experience about the Texas outdoors with us.
Morse a retired biologist from Littleton, Colorado reached out with a
old memory of the time he was a student in Texas. He felt uncomfortable
his recollection for us but gave us permission to share it with you… our
Roger Kunshick kindly read Steve’s Shout Out for us.
[Roger Kunshick for Steve Morse—1:55]
My name is Steve Morse, and I live in Littleton, Colorado.
I went to Grad school at Angelo State University in the 1975-77 range. I
am a
biologist, and while working for the now deceased Botanist Chester Rowell
the University we spent a week over New Year’s in 1976 at the Black Gap
Management headquarters which borders the Big Bend on the East.
I remember on New Year’s Day 1976 finding 108 flowering species in the
Gap. As we were primarily Botanists, this was the purpose of our trip.
We had
sampling permits and were allowed to collect and press specimens of the
we found along the way. Since that is a quiet endeavor, we were
surrounded by
the wildlife in the area. Abundant Scaled Quail, and a couple flocks of
seemed to be always around. I loved the bobbing lizards and even the
The night sky and morning sunrises against that giant skyline were always
amazing in the clear air. Frosty mornings and shirt sleeve afternoons
just made
for the perfect time to visit. I could have stayed a month, but work
called us home.
I swore to go back. To get to the places I missed. I wanted to explore
the canyons
of the Rio Grande but did not. I graduated, moved on with life, and
never went
back. Not even close.
One of my few regrets as at my age and health, it’s probably
a bit rugged for me to get to and really see these days. But in my mind,
I see every
spikey hand to hand combat with the Lechuguilla and wish I could see
clear morning there. I hope that the time and treatment of visitors has
been kind to
the place.
Don’t put off spending time in the natural world. And don’t put off
sharing your
favorite memory of the Texas outdoors with us in your own Shout Out to
Wild…like Steve Morse of Littleton, Colorado did. Just go to
and click on the Get Involved link. And we’ll be in touch.
And so, we come to the end of another podcast. Under the Texas Sky is a
production of Texas Parks and Wildlife and is available at
or wherever you get your podcasts.
Thanks to Tom Harvey for taking us on a culinary trip to Llano Springs
Ranch, to
the Vandivier family for hosting us, to Jesse Griffiths and the Explore
crew and all those who made it a great weekend.
We record the podcast at The Block House in Austin, Texas. Joel Block
does our
sound design.
I’m your producer and host, Cecilia Nasti, reminding you that life’s
better outside
when you’re Under the Texas Sky.
Major support for this podcast comes from the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Foundation: Conserving Our Wild Things and Wild Places for Over 25 Years.
Join us again next time for Under the Texas Sky.
[Jesse] We are definitely starting to see a shift in younger urban people
more interested in fishing and hunting.