Water Planning Data for Region P (Lavaca)

Arenosa Creek

From the confluence with Garcitas Creek in Jackson/Victoria County upstream to its headwaters along the northern boundary of Victoria County.

Garcitas Creek

From the confluence with Lavaca Bay in Jackson/Victoria/Calhoun County upstream to the Arenosa Creek confluence in Jackson/Victoria County.

Lavaca River

From the confluence with Lavaca Bay in Calhoun/Jackson County to a point 5.3 miles downstream of US 59 in Jackson County (TNRCC stream segment 1601).

West Carancahua Creek

From the confluence with Carancahua Creek in Jackson County upstream to the FM 111 crossing east of Edna in Jackson County.

West Mustang Creek

From the point where East Mustang Creek and West Mustang Creek join to form Mustang Creek in Jackson County upstream to FM 1160 in Wharton County.
