Texas Parks and Wildlife Mutual Association
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Mutual Association was founded on May 7, 1956 with the mission of providing financial assistance to the families of deceased members. This benevolent fund allows members to help the family of a colleague at a most sensitive time of need. This financial support is usually hand delivered within 48 hours when the unexpected financial burden of a family member passing can be overwhelming. TPWD employees are known for taking care of each other in times of need and the Mutual Association is a simple way to lend a hand and have one reached out to your family when they need it.
Membership Overview:
- Who is Eligible?
- All full and part-time employees of Texas Parks and Wildlife and their spouses
- How Much Does it Cost?
- Initial Membership Fee is $40
- The assessment for each death of a member is $20
- How much is the Benefit?
- The current benefit is approximately $5,000
- Annual reviews will allow benefit increases as long as membership continues to grow
- How Do I Become Vested in the Association?
- A member must be in good standing with no delinquent assessments for a period of 2 years
- How Are Payments Made?
- By check or money order which can be mailed to the Association PO Box or hand delivered to an Officer
- Efforts are being made for other payment options such as Pay Pal and Payroll Deduction but are not yet available
- How are Assessment Payments used?
- $19 of each goes into the Association’s savings account to cover the check written to the deceased’s beneficiary
- $1 of each goes into an operating account to fund administrative expenses
- What if I can’t make a payment?
- There is payment period of 30 days once an assessment call goes out to the members
- If an account is delinquent for more than 90 days, the member can be reinstated by paying the $40 Membership Fee
- What if I leave TPWD Employment?
- If you are a member of the Association for 2 years prior to leaving the Department, you may retain membership as long as assessments are paid on time and the account does not become delinquent
- What if I am on Leave Without Pay or Military Leave?
- Payment will be made to the beneficiary as long as assessments have not been interrupted and the account is in good standing
- A member on Leave Without Pay for disciplinary reasons will be without benefits but may be reinstated without penalty after the last day of leave
- Members on Military Leave shall be with benefits as long as assessments have been uninterrupted and the account is in good standing
- Members who exhaust their sick leave and are dropped from payroll may retain membership as long a assessments are uninterrupted
- How Many Members are in the Association?
- There are about 273 members
- What is the Benefit History?
- During the past 60 years, the Association has had 166 death assessments – an average of 2.6 per year. Over the last 10 years, there have been 46 death assessments – an average of 4.6 per year
Eligible individuals may join by sending a completed Membership Application Form and the $40 initial payment to:
Texas Parks and Wildlife Mutual Association
P. O. Box 549
Del Valle, TX 78617
Make checks and money orders payable to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Mutual Association.
Assessments & Bylaws
Mutual Association Forms
Mutual Association Application Form
Mutual Association Change of Beneficiary Form
Mutual Association Change of Address Form
President: Dennis Gissell (512) 389-4407, dennis.gissell@tpwd.texas.gov
Vice-president: Craig Hernandez (254) 784-5176 , craig.hernandez@tpwd.texas.gov
Secretary: Luis Canales (254) 784-9635, luis.canales@tpwd.texas.gov
Treasurer: Diana Carroll (512) 389-4873, TPW.Mutual.Association@gmail.com