Presenter: Bob Cook
Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Managed Lands Deer Permits
Wildlife Management Plans
Permits to Trap, Transport
and Transplant Game Animals
June 2000
I. Discussion: The Regulations Committee at its January 2000 meeting authorized staff to publish proposed amendments to the Statewide Hunting and Fishing Proclamation, including changes to the regulations governing the Managed Lands Deer (MLD) permit program and those that establish the content of the wildlife management plans (WMP) under which MLD permits are issued. At the April 2000 meeting, the Regulations Committee deferred final action on the proposed MLD and WMP pending the formation of and recommendations from an advisory group composed of affected members of the regulated community and department staff.
The advisory group met twice in May to develop a consensus concerning potential modifications to the MLD and WMP regulations, as well as to the department’s Trap, Transport, and Transplant ("Triple T") permit program. Staff will present the results and recommendations that emerged from these meetings, as well as the staff recommendations based upon them.
Because the proposed amendments to the MLD and WMP regulations have not been officially withdrawn from the Texas Register, the Commission is still able to adopt those regulations with or without changes; however, any changes to the Triple T regulations will require publication in the Texas Register for public comment.