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A Crafty Caddo Christmas

1:00p to 3:00p
Sat, December 14, 2024
Lane Neely
(903) 578-0160

Deck the halls in our CCC Hall. Join us by the fire for hot chocolate, cookies, and creating your own Christmas tree ornaments. All supplies will be provided!

Accessibility: Parking will be available at Rec Hall. Full restrooms inside. Drinking water is available at indoor fountain. Path to program is pavement and rock step with the option of a low incline accessibility ramp in the back.

Program Expectations: Program will consist of a fun Christmas atmosphere with fire, hot chocolate and cookies and we will create homemade Christmas ornaments!

When: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Where: CCC Rec. Hall

What to bring: 

  • Christmas Spirit

Program is included in park entry fees- $4 per person ages 13 and older, 12 and under are free. Programs are subject to cancellation. Cancellations will be announced on Caddo Lake State Park Facebook page or you can call park headquarters.