Pond Dipping and Ecology
Sat, July 27, 2024
Learn how to pond dip for organisms that live in our Saw Mill Pond!
Accessibility: Parking will be available at Saw Mill Pond. Restroom is available nearby. Drinking water is available at water spigot. Path to program is pavement and concrete sidewalk. Participants will need to go down steps to collect organisms.
Program Expectations: Program will consist of collecting organisms out of water, identifying organisms, looking at organisms through microscopes, and how to predict water quality by what we find. Collecting area is muddy and wet so please where mud boots or other shoes you do not mind getting wet/dirty.
When: 9 - 10a
Where: Saw Mill Pond
What to bring:
- Water
- Sunscreen/Hat/Sunglasses
- Bug Spray
- Rain/mud boots
Program is included in park entry fees- $4 per person ages 13 and older, 12 and under are free. No need to register, just show up! Programs are subject to cancellation in the event of inclement weather. Cancellations will be announced on Caddo Lake State Park Facebook page or you can call park headquarters.