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Zombie Survival Hike Game Night

Join us for an exciting game and learn about the 10 essentials you want to bring with you during the Zombie Apocalypse.

"Resources are running thin. As players gather, they will pack what limited supplies they have left. Once the group is ready, they must make the journey through the woods to the safe zone. All while trying to outrun the undead that shuffle behind.
Along the way there will be obstacles and tests of the players survival skills. If the survivors packed the right tools, they will arrive safe. If not, they must hope that luck is on their side. If it isn't, they may be overtaken by the horde."
This program takes place behind the Nature Center and along the Loblolly trail. It will be ran in rounds as enough players are gathered, so show up any time during the event. Loblolly trail is .2 miles and mostly accessible. Please wear weather/trail appropriate gear and bring a flashlight. This program is family friendly, no planned jump scares or zombies. This program is weather dependent, follow us on social media for more details.

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