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Junior Ranger Swear-In Ceremony

9:00a to 9:30a
Sun, December 15, 2024
Brenden Been
(325) 784-5223

Join one of our rangers to be sworn in as a Junior Ranger!

Join one of our park rangers as we swear in the newest Junior Rangers!

Swear-in ceremony includes a short Q&A where any Junior Ranger can ask any questions to a ranger, the swearing in with the Junior Ranger pledge, and the pinning of a badge. We suggest having a guardian pin the badge, but a ranger is also available to do so. Rangers will be available for any further questions or photos.

The Junior Ranger Activity Journal is available at HQ and should be completed before the ceremony. The level of badge given will be dependent on how many activities are completed.

This event will be held at the benches next to the headquarters building, which is underneath the Live oak tree at the park entrance.