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Fish Printing Art

12:00p to 1:00p
Sun, October 13, 2024
Josie Gunter
(361) 547-2635

Make a fishy artwork!

Have you ever wanted to make an exact replica of a fish you've caught? Join a ranger in learning about fish printing, also known as Gyotaku. We'll have replicas of fish that you can use to make your very own print! We provide all the materials needed. 

Meet: CCC Refectory.

Bring: No supplies needed.

Cost: Free with park entrance fees ($5 for each person 13 years and older, free for each person 12 years and younger).


  • All ages are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The program may be canceled if no participants are present within 15 minutes of the start time.
  • All programs are subject to changes or cancellations due to weather or emergencies.