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Critters of East Texas

3:00p to 4:00p
Thu, February 06, 2025
Eric Rosenthal
(901) 568-1212

Explore the diversity of local mammals and reptiles.

Explore the diversity of local mammals and reptiles. Rangers will provide information on animals ranging in size from mice to feral hogs. You'll get to examine original and replica skulls and furs. Rangers will also cover some reptiles and amphibians that live in East Texas. Show up anytime during this come and go program to examine the various pelts and hides.

This program is designed for homeschoolers but anyone can join in!

Critters of East Texas will be conducted inside the nature center at the park store, Sunset Marina.

Regular park admission fees of $6 per adult ages 13 and up apply; no additional charge for activities.

No reservations necessary.