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Bird Walk on the Trailway

10:00a to 12:00p
Sat, December 28, 2024
David Owens
(940) 328-1171, x222

Join our guided birding walk on the State Trailway. How many species can we find?

Spotted TowheeJoin our park ranger for a birding walk on the State Trailway.

We will locate and identify birds of the Cross Timbers area.

We will begin our walk at the Weatherford Trailhead, located on the eastern end, near Cartwright Park in Weatherford, Texas. (193 Cartwright Park Road, Weatherford, TX).

We will see birds in open prairie, Post Oak-Blackjack Oak Woodlands and lake shore.

We will have binoculars on hand to loan to those without.  

Reservations required. Make reservations at (940) 328-1171, x222.