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First Day Night Hike

5:30p to 7:00p
Mon, January 01, 2024
Lauren Hartwick
(512) 398-3479

Join us for a night hike to discover the critters that come out when the sun goes down!

Ever wondered who uses the park after dark? Come listen to owl calls, search for creepy crawlies, and embark on a hike to discover nocturnal animals and how they survive! All ages welcome.

Prepare: Wear weather-appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes. Bring water and a flashlight. Apply bug repellent, as needed. The hike is 3/4-mile on moderate terrain. No registration required.

Meet: Meet your guide at the Creekview Trailhead. If driving from park headquarters, take your first left-hand turn, pass the campgrounds, and park along the paved loop.

Fees: This program is free with paid entry to the park. Regular park entrance fees are $3/adult, free for children 12 & under. If Park HQ is closed when you arrive, please use our self-pay station to check-in.