Hunters and Gatherers
Sat, February 08, 2025
Will you be able to survive living in a prehistoric Texas?
Hunters and Gatherers is a role-playing game in which you play a person living in prehistoric Texas before the invention of the bow and arrow. Using your own skills and knowledge, you'll make decisions that will effect your survival and the success of your tribe of people joining you.
The game is turn based, and involves rolling dice for things like searching for edible plants, or throwing spears. Your objective is to collect enough food and build shelter for everyone in your tribe. Our Game Master will lead the game, explain the rules, and moderate outcomes for the players.
During the game we'll take a short hike to immerse ourselves in the environment we "Hunt and Gather" in .
- Meet at the Picnic Area Parking Lot to join.
- Hike will be about 3/4 Mile long on a mostly level dirt path.
- Wear comfortable hiking shoes and clothing for the weather.
- RSVP to There is a limit to number of players per game.
- Game lasts about an hour. Dice is provided, but feel free to bring your own d20!
- No real animals will be harmed during this game.
Normal Entrance fees required to enter the park, no extra fees to attend this event.
You can now reserve your entrance permits to this park! Go to our Reservation page to purchase your day pass ahead of time!