Observe the Moon
6:30p to 7:30p
Sat, March 08, 2025
Sat, March 08, 2025
Lets take a close look at the brightest object in the night sky!
The moon has inspired and awed people of all nations and cultures since the beginning of mankind. How would you do in a moon trivia challenge? Join us for a close look at its surface, and listen to different tales behind the moon's origins!
- Weather Dependent. Check this website and the local weather forecast for updates or cancellations. Clouds will cancel the telescope portion, rain will cancel the event.
- Meet at the Star Theater (Behind the Bird Blinds). The walk is about 200 ft along a packed gravel path.
- Ranger talk begins at 6:30pm, afterward it will be open stargazing with telescopes (If weather cooperates)
- Weather permitting we will look at the moon through telescope and binoculars.
- No registration required for this event, entrance fees are $6 per adult and can be purchased online ahead of time.
- Do you have your own telescope or binoculars? Bring them with you! We'll help you learn how to use them.