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Hot Dog Cooling Station

During the dog days of summer, don't forget to keep your furry friends cool and safe!

Stop by our dog cooling station to help cool your furry friends off and learn a little about the summer do's and dont's as well as a little first aid for your best friends.

When: August 5th - 9AM-12PM
Where: Day Use restroom area - look for shade canopy
Who: All ages welcome
Bring: a furry friend or two... or 6!

All ranger led programs are subject to weather cancelations. Check back here for the most up to date weather cancellation information.
Please dress for the weather.
Attendance to this event is open to the public and free AFTER regular day use or camping fees.
Park frequently meets capacity and reservations prior to arrival are encouraged to ensure entrance into the park. Reservations can be made on our app or at