First Day Hikes - Self-Guided Activities
Wed, January 01, 2025
Start the New Year off with a resolution to spend more time outside enjoying nature! Bring your family and pets (on a leash) to help us top our First Day Hike participation record!
Stop by the information table at the pavilion between 9 am and 4 pm to sign in, pick up maps, and learn more about trails and First Day activities. Then before you leave, come by the pavilion to report your mileage, and what you did, and receive an official First Day Hike sticker while supplies last.
Scavenger Hunts - Test your observation skills. Challenge your buddies to see who is the first to find all the items on the list. Pick up one of our scavenger hunt lists at the Information Station.
Self-Guided Nature Journaling Prompts - Slowing down to enjoy your surroundings has been proven to improve mood and overall health. Use these prompts on your hikes to start a nature journal or just get more connected to nature.
Bird Watching - Bring your binoculars, grab a Village Creek State Park Bird List, log onto eBird, and see how many birds you can find!
Easy Hike: Stroll down the shady Beechwood Trail(.1 miles) to the Water Oak Trail (.8 miles out and back) to check out several ecosystems including slope forests, backwater sloughs, and baygall wetlands.
Moderate Hike: Try out our newest trail Longleaf Loop, a .9-mile trail that offers views of our longleaf pine restoration area in progress.
Challenging Hike: Start on Beechwood Trail (.1 mile) take a right on Water Oak Trail (.15 mile) to Bike/Fitness Trail (.5 mile) and continue across to Village Slough Outer Loop (1 mile) to loop back on Water Oak Trail.
You choose your adventure - Combine several activities and trails together to make your adventure as long or as challenging as you want.
*Don't forget to sign-in at the Information Station and pick up your official First Day sticker before you leave.*