Answers for Spike's Activity Page

Wild Math

Did you unlock the secret code in the magazine? 

If so, you found out that the secret message read: “Engorged means a bloodsucker is full of blood.”

When bloodsuckers get as full as they can get we say they have become “engorged.”

Most bloodsuckers have flat bodies that fill up with blood as they eat, just like a water balloon does when you turn on the faucet. But, even though they get fatter as they fill with blood they don’t stay fat. As the blood gets digested the bloodsucker’s body flattens out again.

Wild Social Studies

Long before you could buy insect repellent at the store, Texas Indians found natural ways to repel bloodsuckers.

  1. The Atakapa Indians rubbed oily ALLIGATOR GREASE on themselves to keep flying bloodsuckers from landing on them. (To learn more about the Atakapa Indians check out TPWD Kids: History of the Gulf Coast)
  2. Indians burned dry LANTANA leaves to repel mosquitoes.
  3. Oil from CEDAR trees helped Texas Indians repel fleas.
  4. In spite of its name, HORSEMINT this plant was not just popular with horses. The Apache crushed the leaves and rubbed them on their skin to ward off buzzing bloodsuckers.