Project WILD Activities


Activities are available through our Project WILD workshop.

Adaptation Artistry Students design and create imaginary birds and write reports including descriptions of the birds’ adaptations.  Upon completion students identify and describe the advantages of bird adaptations and evaluate the importance of adaptations to birds.  Requires drawing paper, painting, clay sculpture or papier-mâché’ materials;  construction paper and glue; and pencil and paper. 

Are You Me? Using picture cards students match pairs of juvenile and adult aquatic animals.  Upon completion students recognize various adult and juvenile stages of aquatic animals; and define metamorphosis.  Requires Are You Me cards and art supplies. 

Good Buddies Students research pairs of animals, play a card game, and classify the pairs of animals according to the three major forms of symbiotic relationships.  Upon completion students define symbiosis, commensalism, mutualism and parasitism; identify animals that live in each type of relationship; and explain that symbiotic relationships are examples of the intricate web of interdependence in which all plants and animals live.  Requires copies of cards provided in activity; research materials.

Grasshopper Gravity Students observe, handle and describe live grasshoppers or crickets.  Upon completion students describe a relationship between structure and function; generalize that wildlife ranges from small to large and occurs in a variety of forms; recognize that people have power to affect other animals and with that power comes responsibility.  Requires one plastic container; hand lenses; live grasshoppers or crickets for every two students; chalkboard. 

Water Canaries Students investigate a stream or pond using sampling techniques.  Upon completion students identify several aquatic organisms; and asses the relative environmental quality of a stream or pond based on indicators of pH, water temperature and the presence of a diversity of organisms.  Requires identification books; student worksheets; sampling equipment, such as seine nets, sieve, trays, assorted container and white trays; magnifying lenses; eyedroppers and forceps; water quality test kits; thermometer; meter sticks or tape measures. 

Which Niche? Students compare ecological niches with careers in their community.  Upon completion students define ecological niche; and give at least one example of an animal and its niche.  Requires guest speaker; research materials. 

Wildlife is Everywhere! Students search their environment for evidence of wildlife.  Upon completion students state that humans and wildlife share environments; and generalize that wildlife is present in areas all over the earth.  Requires no materials.  String is optional.