Cave Creatures - Answers to Spike's Activity Page

Cover-Cave Creatures

Answers to Spike's Activity Page

Wild Science:

Troglobites and stygobites have special adaptations for living in the dark. Some are white and lack pigment because they don't need to hide. Others are blind or have no eyes. Instead, they may have longer antennae or longer legs so they can feel or sense food or danger coming.

Tooth Cave Pseudoscorpion-2

Photo used via Creative Commons

For example, the Tooth Cave pseudoscorpion has no eyes and extra long pinchers. Think about your favorite animal then draw a picture of how it would look if it lived deep in a cave. What adaptations would your animal need to survive?



Since this is your creature, there won’t be any “right” or “wrong” answer to this month’s WILD SCIENCE activity, but as you drew your creature’s special cave adaptations were you careful to consider the following?

  • Adaptations are something special to help an animal survive in its unique environment. What is unique (different) about the cave environment your creature lives in (besides the dark)? Is there water there? What other sorts of creatures live there that it must protect itself from?
  • Being able to collect food and water would be important to your animal’s survival. Were you sure to include ways for your animal to do this? What did your animal eat and how did it find food in the dark?
<== Life in a Cave, Part 2