Background for Teachers
Rivers Rock
This month we take a look at rivers. In many ways, rivers were our first superhighways, transporting people, goods and ecological services. Others refer to rivers as the arteries or life blood of an area. For water sources and economics, early settlement patterns were typically along rivers. However you think of it, rivers are essential to our way of life.
We can think of rivers in two ways. One is looking at characteristics at a segment of a river. The other is looking at characteristics along the length of a river. Characteristics change at different parts of the river.
Anatomy of a River
Rivers are complex systems. Let's take a look at watersheds, river profiles, flow, floods and a river course.
A watershed describes the area of land where surface water drains down toward a common place. All land can be divided into watersheds. This issue of the magazine suggests demonstrating a watershed by crumpling a piece of paper and looking for high and low points that would delineate a watershed. Watersheds carry water, store water and also carry sediment (and pollution), organisms and energy.
River Profile and Flow
It is easy to see what is happening on the surface of water, but underneath the surface are currents, eddies and deposits forming another world or movement and life. Knowing about the world under the surface will help you understand what lives there, alert you to safely cross or navigate and even identify the best places to fish.
The watershed illustration identifies how a river is formed and illustrates sources of runoff pollution. A river profile provides some insight into the flow of water currents and sediment deposits. Habitat cross-sections show the expected structure (vegetation and deposits) under water. The flood illustration shows flood plains and flood stages as well as the river flowing to the ocean. Click on the images for a better look or download a PDF to print.
Anatomy of a River Watershed PDF |
Anatomy of a River Currents PDF |
Anatomy of a River Habitats PDF |
Anatomy of a River Flooding PDF |
Floods have a purpose in the life of a river and its riparian (river or stream bank) zone. Flood plains and riparian zones are rich in nutrients, help retain soil and prevent erosion. Occasional floods contribute to the ecology of an area, supporting wetland plants and vegetation. Help your students learn more about the role of floods with Tortuga Tex.
River Course
Rivers generally begin in low-lying areas at higher elevations and flow downhill within a channel. Along their length, rivers swell in size, gather tributaries and drain an increasingly larger catchment area. Biological changes also occur along the length of a river. Rivers can be divided into three categories based on these physical and biological characteristics: Upper, Middle, and Lower.
Physical Changes: | Biological Changes |
Upper Course - headwaters
Middle Course - tributaries and flood plains
Lower Course flood plains and major rivers flow into estuaries |
Learn more about Texas waters
- TPW Magazine
- TPWD's YouTube Channel
- TPWD's Water web site
- Water IQ