Project WILD Activities
Activities are available through our Project WILD workshops.
Project WILD
And the Wolf Wore Shoes - Students divide books into those about 'real' and those about 'make-believe' animals and then distinguish between real and fictitious animal characteristics. Upon completion students distinguish between animals based on 'real-life' and those based on 'make-believe'; and give examples of real and make-believe animals and their characteristics. Requires children's books and comics about or including both real and make-believe animals.
Saturday Morning Wildlife Watching - Students watch, report, discuss and evaluate cartoons on television or comics. Upon completion students discriminate between realistic and unrealistic portrayals of wildlife and other animals in cartoons; identify possible influence on people from watching cartoons; and make judgments about appropriate and inappropriate behaviors they think can result from cartoon watching. Requires access to television at home for cartoon watching or comic books at school or at home.
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - Students become familiar with classification of animals, conduct research, and make a master list of threatened and endangered animals locally and/or nationally, including factors affecting the animals' condition. Upon completion students identify and describe some causes for extinction of animal species; define threatened, rare and endangered as applied to wildlife; and name threatened and endangered animals living in their area. Requires information from state and federal agencies about threatened and endangered animals; poster making materials; writing materials.
Animal Charades - Students use charades to depict wild and domestic animals. Upon completion, students define wildlife and distinguish the difference between domesticated, wild and tame animals. Requires chalkboard for use by scorekeeper, small pieces.
Animal Poetry - Students go outside, imagine themselves as animals and then write poems. Upon completion students recognize and experience the inspirational value of wildlife. Requires writing materials.
Drawing on Nature - Students use techniques of observation and visualization to record wildlife by drawing. Upon completion students generalize that wildlife and other animals are important inspirations for art and science. Requires drawing materials.
Riparian Zone - Students simulate a Board of Commissioners hearing. Upon completion students identify and describe factors frequently involved in land use planning; and evaluate possible consequences for wildlife and other elements of the environment where land use planning does not take place. Requires butcher paper or poster materials; a classroom arranged as a commission hearing room.
Aquatic WILD Activities
Plastic Jellyfish - Students monitor the plastic waste production in their own households, research the effects of plastic waste on freshwater and marine life and propose various ways to lesson the problem. Upon completion students describe the potential effects of plastic waste on aquatic wildlife; and identify specific actions to remedy the problem. Requires plastic waste; a shallow tray or box for each group; soil; plastic bags; one tablespoon of tiny multicolored beads for each group; clock; and paper towels.
Turtle Hurdles - Students become sea turtles and limiting factors in a highly active simulation game. Upon completion students describe the life cycle of seas turtles; identify species mortality factors related to sea turtles; make inferences about the effects of limiting factors on sea turtle populations; and make recommendations to minimize the factors that might lead to the extinction of sea turtles. Requires rope or string; tow jump ropes or hula hoops; one plastic bag per student; identification cards; wooden clothes pins; poker chips; and dried beans.