Abandoned Boats/Outboard Motors Listing

A request has been filed with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to title the following boat(s) or outboard motor(s) through the bonded title process for abandoned vessels and outboard motors. These items will be published for the time period listed (six months) before a title will be issued under the surety bond titling process, Section 31.0466 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 53, Subchapter F, Section 53.100 of the Texas Administrative Code.

To file a claim of ownership regarding any of the above referenced assets, call (512) 389-8866 or 1-800-262-8755 and fax documentation proving ownership to (512) 389-4900, attention: Bonded Title Section. Before filing a claim, please note that any individual filing a claim of ownership must be prepared to assume the responsibility and cost to remove and relocate the boat or outboard motor within a reasonable time period.

This table scrolls and

Boat or Motor Year Make Boat Length or Motor HP TX Number Serial Number Date Posted Date Eligible To Title
MOTOR 2018 MERCURY 75HP 7282FT 2B501233 02/10/2025 08/10/2025
BOAT 2018 SUN TRACKER 20' 6773EK BUJ56691J718 02/10/2025 08/10/2025
BOAT 1995 YAMAHA 9'4" 1268HL YAMA1659B595 02/10/2025 08/10/2025
BOAT 2007 SEADOO 10'8" 4254AM YDV55033A707 02/10/2025 08/10/2025
BOAT 1999 BOMBARDIER 10'4" 7611FF ZZN56839D999 02/10/2025 08/10/2025
MOTOR 1989 MARINER 60HP 8061DF 0B342877 01/30/2025 07/30/2025
MOTOR 2004 MERCURY 5HP 7745EY 0R043557 01/30/2025 07/30/2025
MOTOR 1981 EVINRUDE 235HP 3084CK J0001081 01/30/2025 07/30/2025
BOAT 1997 KAWASAKI 10'2" 4467HX KAW58336E797 01/30/2025 07/30/2025
BOAT 1981 SEARS 14' MFG86234M81B 01/30/2025 07/30/2025
BOAT 1989 PROCRAFT 17' 1424FV MPDA0893B989 01/30/2025 07/30/2025
BOAT 2003 SEADOO 10' ZZN25429B303 01/30/2025 07/30/2025
BOAT 1984 HATTERAS 32' HATCC329M84B 01/17/2025 07/17/2025
BOAT 2015 SKEETER 20'2" 7822CN STE99466H415 01/17/2025 07/17/2025
BOAT 1985 BASS TRACKER 16' 6527DF BUJ42285C585 01/08/2025 07/08/2025
MOTOR 1985 EVINRUDE 30HP 6899BX E0533474 01/08/2025 07/08/2025
BOAT 2003 FOUR WINNS 23' 1434JX GFNCN047H203 01/08/2025 07/08/2025
BOAT 1994 YAMAHA 9'8" 8221HD YAMA3257L394 01/08/2025 07/08/2025
BOAT 2005 SUPRA 21'2" MC2372ST ISRHB180C505 12/30/2024 06/30/2025
MOTOR 2003 MERCURY 40HP 9001ES 0T603461 12/18/2024 06/18/2025
BOAT 2002 SUN TRACKER 17'3" 7209RA BUJ24616C202 12/18/2024 06/18/2025
BOAT 2021 KAWASAKI 10'4" 3633KH KAW40799C121 12/18/2024 06/18/2025
BOAT 2021 LUND 18' 4926KJ LBB20304B121 12/18/2024 06/18/2025
BOAT 2008 FISHER 22'3" 4620AS BUJ03496F708 12/11/2024 06/11/2025
MOTOR 1993 JOHNSON 90HP 9928DP G03247131 12/11/2024 06/11/2025
BOAT 2002 POLAR KRAFT 14'3" PLRS2202E202 12/11/2024 06/11/2025
BOAT 1993 SUNBIRD 16'6" 6539HF SB2C0733E393 12/11/2024 06/11/2025
MOTOR 1961 JOHNSON 40HP 2170508 12/04/2024 06/04/2025
MOTOR 2010 YAMAHA 60HP 2404CZ 6C6L1015639 12/04/2024 06/04/2025
BOAT 1991 BASS TRACKER 17' 3277HM BUJ10837C191 12/04/2024 06/04/2025
BOAT 1975 CAPE DORY 19' CPDD1059M75M 12/04/2024 06/04/2025
BOAT 2010 SWEETWATER 20' 6200BD GDY2355TB010 12/04/2024 06/04/2025
BOAT 1982 LOWE 24' 2444ZL LWNZ8297M82B 12/04/2024 06/04/2025
BOAT 1968 MFG 15' 5817BU 2201 11/25/2024 05/25/2025
MOTOR 1978 JOHNSON 115HP 1314AY J4973209 11/25/2024 05/25/2025
BOAT 2005 SUN TRACKER 29'6" 3730BD BUJ07155E505 11/19/2024 05/19/2025
BOAT 1993 TRACKER 17' 5357HB BUJ55599D393 11/19/2024 05/19/2025
MOTOR 1980 EVINRUDE 9.9HP 4962CY E0001136 11/19/2024 05/19/2025
MOTOR 1993 EVINRUDE 60HP 1632DM G03200588 11/19/2024 05/19/2025
BOAT 1979 PEARSON 26' 2797BC PEA46560M79L 11/19/2024 05/19/2025
MOTOR 2016 MERCURY 60HP 3583FP 1C459559 11/08/2024 05/08/2025
MOTOR 1985 FORCE 85HP 9215BW 6557 11/08/2024 05/08/2025
BOAT 1993 ALUMACRAFT 12' 2012EW ACBB4114J293 11/08/2024 05/08/2025
BOAT 1985 BAYLINER 16'3" 3044ZY BVLH72FBK485 11/08/2024 05/08/2025
BOAT 2007 LOWE 21'3" 7153AX LWCP0136F607 11/08/2024 05/08/2025
BOAT 1993 SEA NYMPH 15'2" 8320HK OMCS8354E393 11/08/2024 05/08/2025
MOTOR 2008 YAMAHA 225HP 7806CU 6BBL1000084 10/30/2024 04/30/2025
BOAT 1980 HOMEADE 14' 6878BD CLZ494710789 10/30/2024 04/30/2025
BOAT 2008 PATHFINDER 21'10" 5384AU MVIPY005L708 10/30/2024 04/30/2025
BOAT 2005 STARCRAFT 18'1" 8791KE STR81362G405 10/30/2024 04/30/2025
BOAT 2018 SEADOO 10'10" 5837EF YDV28866C818 10/30/2024 04/30/2025
BOAT 2003 BOMBARDIER 8'9" 9942JZ ZZN57836D303 10/30/2024 04/30/2025
MOTOR 1982 SUZUKI 115HP 9778BK 11502201991 10/21/2024 04/21/2025
BOAT 1977 FISHER 18' 1624CT FMC39851M77J 10/21/2024 04/21/2025
BOAT 2001 BAYLINER 17'11" 7732JP BIYD99BHJ001 10/10/2024 04/10/2025
BOAT 1989 SEA RAY 20' 8787JB SERA9378I889 10/10/2024 04/10/2025
BOAT 1995 YAMAHA 10' 9200HM YAMA5346F595 10/10/2024 04/10/2025
BOAT 1960 LONE STAR 14' 6542BZ 82610749 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
BOAT 2009 ALUMACRAFT 14' 1721BS ACBB2117A909 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
BOAT 1967 RAZORBACK 15' 1461XB AF53 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
BOAT 1994 GLASSTAR 15' GA0124ZS ESJ00285H394 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
MOTOR 1994 JOHNSON 25HP G03629951 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
BOAT 1996 CROWNLINE 26'8" 9247JA JTC24543C696 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
BOAT 2011 YAMAHA 10'6" 7786BJ YAMA1843J011 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
BOAT 2000 PELICAN BAYOU 16' 3874KC ZEP00614B000 10/04/2024 04/04/2025
MOTOR 2009 EVINRUDE 40HP 2379FC 05253707 09/26/2024 03/26/2025
BOAT 2009 APEX MARINE 18' 4651BU APX13107I809 09/26/2024 03/26/2025
BOAT 1980 HOBIE CAT 16' 5034ZC CCMP2645M80H 09/26/2024 03/26/2025
BOAT 1990 CATALINA 21'6" 5710ET CTYH5070G990 09/26/2024 03/26/2025
BOAT 1993 MACGREGOR 18'11" 7907KC MACP0505C393 09/26/2024 03/26/2025
BOAT 1976 O'DAY 25' 1637WN XDYG1059M76I 09/26/2024 03/26/2025
BOAT 1985 ALUMACRAFT 14' 2086WY ACBF4259J485 09/13/2024 03/13/2025
MOTOR 1985 JOHNSON 15HP 6502BX E6057746 09/13/2024 03/13/2025
BOAT 1989 LOW TIDE 18' 7316EJ LIH00030E889 09/13/2024 03/13/2025
BOAT 1988 TRAVELER 16' 9134XY TVLRC009G788 09/13/2024 03/13/2025
BOAT 2019 YAMAHA 10'6" 5469HJ YAMA0927H819 09/13/2024 03/13/2025
BOAT 2019 YAMAHA 10'6" 2536HE YAMA1095K819 09/13/2024 03/13/2025
MOTOR 1974 EVINRUDE 50HP 2587AP E0009027 09/04/2024 03/04/2025
BOAT 1975 KINGFISHER 15' 1988WT KNG00408M74I 09/04/2024 03/04/2025
BOAT 1968 HOMEMADE 12' SC3998AH SCZD7740F268 09/04/2024 03/04/2025
BOAT 1966 OUACHITA 12' 7774KX TXZ43940F424 09/04/2024 03/04/2025
BOAT 1996 YAMAHA 9'3" 5583FB YAMA2625F696 08/28/2024 02/28/2025

General Information Parks and Wildlife Code states:

Subchapter A, Section 31.003, Parks and Wildlife Code (definitions):

(17) "Abandoned vessel or outboard motor" means a vessel or outboard motor that has remained on private property without the consent of the owner or person in charge of the property for more than seven consecutive days.

Subchapter B-1, Chapter 31, Parks and Wildlife Code:
(a) A person may apply for a certificate of title for an abandoned vessel or outboard motor found on the person's property.
(b) The department may cancel the certificate for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor and issue a new certificate to the applicant if the applicant:
(1) executes and files a bond with the department:
(A) in the form prescribed by the department;
(B) issued by a person authorized to act as a surety business in this state;
(C) in an amount equal to 1-1/2 times the value of the abandoned vessel or outboard motor as determined by the department; and
(D) conditioned to indemnify all prior owners and lienholders and all subsequent purchasers of the abandoned vessel or outboard motor or persons who acquire a security interest in the vessel or outboard motor, and their successors in interest, against any expense, loss, or damage, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting from:
(i) the issuance of the certificate of title for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor; or
(ii) a defect in or undisclosed security interest in the right, title, or interest of the applicant to or in the abandoned vessel or outboard motor;
(2) proves to the satisfaction of the department that:
(A) the abandoned vessel or outboard motor is not stolen;
(B) issuance of a certificate of title would not defraud the owner or a lienholder of the abandoned vessel or outboard motor;
(C) at least 30 days before the applicant applied for the certificate, the applicant contacted the applicant's local law enforcement agency through certified mail to report that the vessel or outboard motor is abandoned; and
(D) the local law enforcement agency has not taken the abandoned vessel or outboard motor into custody or informed the applicant of the agency's intent to take the abandoned vessel or outboard motor into custody; and
(3) posts notice of the certificate of title application in the manner and for a period of time designated by rule by the department.
(c) A person described by Subsection (b)(1)(D) has a right of action to recover on the bond for a breach of a condition of the bond described by Subsection (b)(1)(D). The aggregate liability of the surety to all persons may not exceed the amount of the bond.
(d) A bond filed under this section expires on the third anniversary of the date the bond became effective. The department shall return an expired bond to the person who filed the bond unless the department has been notified of a pending action to recover on the bond.
(e) On return of a bond under Subsection (d), the department shall issue a certificate of title to the person to whom the bond is returned.
(f) If an abandoned vessel or outboard motor is not claimed before the department issues a certificate of title under this section, the owner or lienholder waives all rights and interests in the abandoned vessel or outboard motor and consents to the cancellation of the certificate for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor.
(g) The applicant for the certificate of title for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor takes title free and clear of all liens and claims of ownership.
(h) In addition to the situation described by Subsection (b)(2), the commission by rule may define acceptable situations in which certificates of title may be issued after the filing of a bond under this section.
(i) This section does not apply to a vessel or outboard motor that is subject to a contract or lien under Chapter 59 or 70, Property Code.