Touch. See. Explore.

Schedule a Hatchery Tour

Call: 979-292-0100 ext. 221 or Email:


Admission is Free.
Donations are appreciated.


Tue – Sat: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.


302 Medical Drive
Lake Jackson, Texas 77566


Are you a college student looking to gain experience in the fields of mariculture, stock enhancement, or fisheries education? Sea Center Texas offers internships every summer. Learn more about internships.


Sea Center Texas has one of the most versatile and active volunteer groups in the TPWD system. Please join us.


With your support, we can continue to educate the public about the natural resources of the Texas coast. Your donation is tax deductible.

Posters and book only available in-store at the Sea Center Texas gift shop.

Sea Center Texas Spotted Seatrout Poster by Ben Kocian

Spotted Seatrout Poster

by Ben Kocian

Sea Center Texas Redfish Poster by Ben Kocian

Redfish Poster

by Ben Kocian

Saltwater Fishes of Texas Poster

Saltwater Fishes of Texas Poster

by Texas Parks & Wildlife

Saltwater Fishes of Texas Book

Saltwater Fishes of Texas Book

by Texas Parks & Wildlife