Frequently Asked Questions
On This Page- Application process
- Loyalty Points (formerly Preference Points)
- Payment process
- After the drawing is held
Application process
Our new Public Hunt Drawing system will provide new convenience and benefits to hunters.
Benefits include:
- Check your status at any time.
- Apply for multiple times in the same hunt category.
- Store permits on a mobile device.
- More time to apply; up to 11:59 pm on the deadline date.
- Automation of the application entry and notification process reduces administrative costs and improves efficiency.
- Special Permit Hunts: General, Youth Only and Adult Only categories for a variety of species including alligator, white-tailed deer, mule deer, exotics, feral hogs, javelina and turkey.
- E-Postcard Selection Hunts: A limited number of opportunities on select hunt areas that require an Annual Public Hunting Permit.
- U.S. Forest Service Antlerless Deer Permits: A limited number of permits provided to harvest antlerless white-tailed deer during the general open season on Alabama Creek, Bannister, Moore Plantation and Sam Houston National Forest Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). No application fee is required.
There are no residency restrictions; Texas, U.S. residents and non-residents can apply.
- Youth applicants for Special Permit hunts must be between 8 and 16 years old.
- Supervising adults must be at least 18 years old.
- Youth applicants for Youth and Youth/Adult hunts must be under 17 years old.
You can begin your application on the Drawn Hunts page.
Applications can be submitted beginning July 1 up until the Application Deadline for each Hunt Category.
Deadlines can be found on the Drawn Hunt Deadlines cheat sheet and on each category page in the Drawn Hunt Catalog.
- Yes, it will be necessary for all applicants (adults and youth) to have an account in our database.
- Customers who have previously purchased a hunting or fishing license, or who have applied for a drawn hunt in the past, should already have an account with a Customer ID number. You can find your Customer ID number on your license.
- You are encouraged to check your account and verify that your information is updated, including that your email and telephone number is accurate.
- If you do not have a previous Customer ID number you will need to create an account to apply for a drawn hunt.
No, applications are only accepted online and any mailed paper applications will be returned to the sender. It will be necessary for you to access a computer (available at your local public library) or get help from someone who has internet access.
No, TPWD is no longer printing or mailing the booklet, but we will offer a downloadable PDF of the Drawn Hunt Catalog on the new online system.
A new online catalog of hunts will be available July 1. You will be able to browse hunts online or download a printable PDF.
E-Postcard hunts are available through the Public Hunt Drawing System. There are no application or permit fees to apply for the E-Postcard hunts, but adults applying for the hunts are required to possess an Annual Public Hunting Permit. General, youth-only and youth/adult categories are available.
Yes, click on Browse Hunt Catalog and then click the Areas tab at the top of the page to see an interactive map. You can use it to find the location of a specific hunt area and all areas offering a hunt in a specific category.
To protect the privacy of the cooperating landowners, area details are only sent to selected hunters who are drawn for and accept their hunt position.
Yes; you can apply once at each area within a category. For example, you can submit an application for "Gun Deer — Either Sex" at the Chaparral WMA and the James Daughtrey WMA. You can submit applications for "Gun Deer — Either Sex" and "Gun Deer — Management at the Chaparral WMA. You cannot submit two applications for "Gun Deer — Either Sex" at the Chaparral WMA. The new system will not, in most cases, let you submit an invalid application. However, if an invalid application is submitted, your application will be disqualified and application fees will NOT be refunded. Only 3 applications may be submitted for any Youth Hunt category.
Yes, in most cases. Some hunts have restrictions on the number of names that can be on an application due to the number of hunt positions available. Information on the number of people that can be on an application is listed in each hunt's details.
Yes. However, they will need the information required to identify you and find your Customer Account. That information includes Last Name, Date of Birth, and either a Customer ID number, Driver's License number, Social Security Number, Passport number, Application ID, or Permit ID.
The new system will not, in most cases, let you submit an invalid application. However, if an invalid application is submitted, your application will be disqualified and application fees will NOT be refunded.
Yes, from the Drawn Hunts page you can click the Check Status button to view all applications you have submitted for the current season, hunts you have been selected for and the permits you have won. It will also show current individual and group Loyalty Points (formally called Preference Points , see #20) for each hunt category, and it will show applications and drawing results for past hunt seasons.
No, once you go through the billing process and submit your applications, the order cannot be cancelled and application fees will not be refunded.
Normally, the drawings will be held the next business day after the application deadline.
Loyalty Points (formerly Preference Points)
- Yes, but Preference Points will now be called Loyalty Points
- Points will carry over from the previous year and be counted in the new system.
- Loyalty Points will be applied to the specific hunt category.
- Loyalty Points are rewards that increase your chances of getting drawn by entering you or your group additional times.
- You receive 1 Loyalty Point once you have applied in a category. Loyalty Point can not be purchased.
- You can only receive one point per category per season.
- When applying as a group, Loyalty Points will be averaged for everyone on the application.
- Loyalty Points for each application will then be cubed for the drawing (example: 2 Loyalty Points would be 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 points for the drawing).
From the Drawn Hunts page you can click the Check Status button to view your Loyalty Points for each category.
If you are selected for a hunt your Loyalty Point in that category will be reset to zero. For example: If you apply in the Exotic category at Garner SP and Caprock Canyon SP and you are selected for the hunt at Caprock Canyon, your Loyalty Points for the Exotic category will be reset to zero.
Payment process
- Adult application fees are either $3 or $10 per person per application depending on the hunt category.
- There are no application fees for youth under 17 years old (at the time of application) or Supervising Adults on Youth Only Special Permit Hunt applications.
- There are no application fees for E-Postcard hunts or the U.S. Forest Service Antlerless Deer Permits.
- Adult permit fees are either $80 or $130 per person per hunt depending on the length on the hunt.
- Private Lands Hunts, Guided Hunt Packages and Pronghorn have no permit fee.
- There are no permit fees for youth under 17 years old or Supervising Adults on Youth Only Special Permit hunts.
- There are also no Special Permit fees for E-Postcard hunts or US Forest Service Antlerless Deer Permits, these require adults to purchase an Annual Public Hunting Permit to participate.
- Application fees must be paid together when the applications are submitted.
- Permit fees can be paid for or accepted by each group member separately.
- For a youth to accept their permit, at least one adult must accept/pay for their permit.
Yes. However, the receipts, permits and hunt brochures will only be sent to the email address entered on the Billing Screen at checkout. It will be that person's responsibility to provide the permits and information to any other group members.
Yes, you can submit all your applications in one transaction.
Yes, you will be able to submit additional applications and purchase/accept permits for hunts you have won in one transaction.
Payment for each transaction will be processed by, the official website of Texas. The price of this service includes funds paid to that support the ongoing operations and enhancements of, which is provided by a third party in partnership with the State. For example, if the transaction amount is $100, the total amount due will be $102.51.
No. Application and permit fees will not be accepted by mail and will be returned to the sender.
- The purchaser of the application(s) and or permit(s) will receive an email with the purchase receipt.
- The Check Status screen will also list all submitted applications and the permit status which are updated as payments are received.
Go to the Drawn Hunts web page and click "Check Status" to find out which group members have paid.
An email receipt will be sent to the email address you entered on the Billing Screen at checkout.
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted.
There are a few reasons why you may not be receiving new emails from the Public Hunt System (PHS). Below are a few possible causes:
- No internet connection.
- Messages go to the Junk Email folder.
- A corrupt email profile.
- An email rule that blocks or deletes the email.
- Email addresses that contain the words "junk", "spam" or "do not reply" will be marked as invalid and no information will be sent to these addresses.
- Email has been removed from your TPWD customer profile.
- Restart your computer or email program. On occasion, email programs may hang up, or stop working altogether. Closing and re-opening them could clear up any issues that prevent the receipt of emails.
- Check the internet connection. If you see Disconnected, Working Offline, or Trying to connect statuses, there may be some network connectivity issues, or your email is set to work offline.
- Check other folders for messages. If you don't see new emails in the Inbox, those messages may be going to a “Junk” Email folder.
- Check your email rules. If you created any rules, it's possible that your emails are being “Blocked”, “Quarantined”, or routed away from your Inbox, forwarded to another email account, or being deleted.
- Add “” to your Safe Senders list.
Note: It is recommended that you use a personal email for correspondence with the Public Hunt Draw System. Business email accounts are subject to additional cyber security rules which could block, quarantine, or delete emails from the Public Hunt Draw System.
After the drawing is held
- Application deadlines are on the 1st and 15th of each month. Drawings are normally held the following business day. From the Drawn Hunts page you can click the Check Status button to view all applications you have submitted for the current season.
- Selection notices will be emailed to all applicants on the application with an email address in their Customer Account.
- No notice will be sent to non-selected applicants.
*Note: Email addresses that contain the words "junk", "spam" or "do not reply" will be marked as invalid and no information will be sent to these addresses.
- Payment/Acceptance deadlines are normally 10 calendar days from the date of the drawing.
- After the permit payment/acceptance transaction is complete the permit will be attached to an email and sent to the email address entered on the Billing Screen. This happens the same transaction day. It is that person's responsibility to forward permits and hunt brochures to the appropriate person.
- It is recommended that you use a personal email for correspondence with the Public Hunt Draw System. Business email accounts are subject to additional cyber security rules which could block, quarantine, or delete emails from the Public Hunt Draw System.
- Printing the permit is optional.
- Permits can be stored on a mobile device and displayed when needed.
You will be able to contact the Public Hunting Program and request the permit email be resent to you. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.
Yes, Standby Hunts may be available if all hunt positions are not accepted. Call the hunt area starting 5 days before the first day of the hunt to find out if any are available.
- If all hunt permits are not accepted by the payment/acceptance deadline, a Secondary Draw will be performed to select alternate hunters.
- The purpose of the Secondary Drawing is to fill as many hunt positions as possible to maximize hunter opportunity.
- Not all areas have Secondary Drawings.
- If a Secondary Drawing is needed it will be conducted the day after the initial permit fee/acceptance deadline.
- Selection notices will be emailed immediately.
- Application status will also be updated from "Pending 2nd Draw" to "Won" or "Not Selected" after the drawing.
Contact the TPWD Pineywoods Ecosystem Project at (936) 569-8547.
- Contact the hunt area where your hunt will be held.
- Contact information can be found on the Wildlife Management Areas or State Parks pages.
Contact the Public Hunting Program at (512)389-4505 or