If You are Drawn
On This Page- If You are Drawn
- Substitutions and Non-Hunting Guests
- Before Your Hunt
- Cancellation of Hunts
- Provisions for Hunters with Disabilities
Selection Notices will be sent by email to all applicants with email addresses in their customer account. Applicants will also be able to click on the "Check Status" button to find drawing results. The application status will change from "Application Received" to "Won", "Not Selected", or "Pending 2nd Draw".
*Note: Email addresses that contain the words “junk”, “spam” or “do not reply” will be marked as invalid and no information will be sent to these addresses.
If you are drawn
- Special Permit Categories:
- You can view your Permit Status online. If you won a hunt it will read "Permit Available."
- Winners will be notified by email which will include details about the hunt you won including hunt dates and the permit fee/*acceptance due date. Failure to pay for/accept your permit by the due date will result in your permit being reassigned to another hunter and your permit status will change to "Missed Deadline".
- Once paid for/accepted, your permit status will change to "Permit Paid" or "Permit Accepted". Your permit and Hunt Brochure will be emailed to the address entered on the billing screen and it is that person’s responsibility to forward permits and information to the appropriate person(s).
- You can call or email the Public Hunting Program (512-389-4505, or hunt@tpwd.texas.gov) to request an email message be re-sent.
- Your permit must be in your possession while participating in the hunt. It can be stored on a mobile device or printed.
- No substitutions will be allowed except for a non-hunting supervising adult on a Youth Only hunt.
- If a co-applicant cannot attend the hunt the other group members can still participate.
- E-Postcard Selection Hunts:
- Selected applicants will be notified by email which will let you know what hunt you won.
- Online permit acceptance is required about one week after the drawing is held.
- Secondary drawing will not be held for these hunt positions.
- US Forest Service Antlerless Deer Permits:
- Winners will be notified by email.
- Your Antlerless Deer Permit (carcass tag) will be mailed to you in mid-October.
*acceptance refers to hunts that do not require permit fees.
Substitutions and Non-Hunting Guests
- Substitutions:
No substitutions may be made for selected applicants. If your application is drawn and a member of your hunting group cannot take part in the hunt, you cannot assign their permit to someone else. The only exception allowed is for a non-hunting supervising adult on a youth-only hunt. Substitution requests should be made by contacting the hunt area’s hunt administrator directly.
- Non-Hunting Guests:
A hunt area may or may not allow non-hunting guests to accompany Special Permit holders on their drawn hunt. This option is only available where and when additional people can be accommodated and do not create unsafe conditions. Contact the area’s hunt administrator for details about the allowance of non-hunting guests.
Before your hunt
- You must get a valid Texas Hunting License and any required Stamp Endorsements before your hunt.
- Adults must bring a valid state issued photo ID such as a driver's license or passport.
- Special Permit Categories:
- You should refer to your Hunt Brochure for details about your hunt.
- Call the hunt area and talk to the hunt administrator if you have any questions or concerns.
- Your permit must be in your possession while participating in the hunt. It can be stored on a mobile device or printed.
- Refer to the Texas Hunter Education requirements
- E-Postcard Selection Hunts:
- Participation in these hunts requires each adult hunter and supervising adult to possess a valid Annual Public Hunting (APH) Permit and Texas hunting license. They are available anywhere hunting licenses are sold.
- US Forest Service Antlerless Deer Permits:
- Participation in these hunts requires each adult hunter and supervising adult to possess a valid Annual Public Hunting (APH) Permit and Texas hunting license. They are available anywhere hunting licenses are sold.
- Go to the Annual Public Hunting Page for more APH information.
- Possession of your Antlerless Deer Permit is required while you are in the field hunting. Replacement permits will not be available.
Cancellation of hunts
- Special Permits Categories:
- TPWD retains the right to cancel permits, alter bag limits, or cancel a hunt at any time there is a danger to wildlife resources, the public, or facilities.
- If the Department cancels a hunt, permit fees will be refunded and the loyalty points will be restored for those drawn hunters who paid for or accepted their Special Permit.
- E-Postcard Selection Hunts
- TPWD may close public hunting lands to public use to protect sensitive sites, and may cancel hunts or close the seasons on certain areas to protect wildlife resources or in response to severe weather or other emergencies.
Provisions for hunters with disabilities
A person with disabilities who possesses a vehicle placard or license plate from Texas Department of Public Safety or other state issued documentation verifying their disability may use a motor vehicle to traverse the area only along designated roads.
It is recommended that persons having significant mobility challenges inform hunt area staff several days before their Special Permit hunt so that prior arrangements can be made.
A non-hunting adult may assist a hunter with disabilities during their hunt without having to possess either an Annual Public Hunting Permit or a Special Permit. However, the assistant must remain within normal vocal range of the disabled hunter while on public hunting lands.