Public Hunting Regulations
On This PageBag Limits
The Bag Limit defines the quantity and description of the species that may be harvested on a drawn hunt. There may be more than 1 species allowed to be harvested during a hunt.
Bag Limit
Two White-tailed Deer; Either Sex; Limit One Buck; Buck(s) must have an inside main beam spread equal to or wider than the ear tips (Limit One) or at least one unbranched antler.
Unlimited Feral Hogs
Unlimited Exotic Mammals
The listing of additional non-target species such as exotic mammals and feral hogs does not guarantee that these species will be present on all sections of the hunt area. The listing only allows for the take of those species if encountered during the hunt.
Hunt Method
Special Permit Categories:
The hunt method for each hunt area listed within the hunt schedule is shown as either by assigned blind, compartment or guided.
- Assigned Blind — the hunter may hunt only from a constructed blind or elevated stand at a specifically assigned location. Hunters may be transported to and from the assigned blind by area staff or they may be required to use their personal vehicle.
- Compartment — the hunter is allowed to hunt within an assigned compartment (area) having easily recognizable boundaries defined by fences, roads, streams, or other geographic features. Hunters generally use their personal vehicle to travel to and from the compartment. A compartment may or may not have existing blinds or elevated stands. Hunters may bring their own portable stands for use within the assigned compartment. Generally, all members of a group will be assigned to a single compartment and allowed to hunt together. Persons from different groups may be assigned to hunt in the same compartment as long as the combining of groups is acceptable to each person.
- Guided — an experienced guide, who is familiar with the area and the species being hunted, will assist the hunter.
Means Restrictions
The legal means of taking a species during the drawn hunts will be as established by statewide hunting regulations. For example, most of the hunts listed within the Gun Deer Either-Sex category allow the use of legal archery equipment and crossbows, shotguns, centerfire firearms and muzzleloaders of at least .45 caliber to take deer.
- Only Means Allowed — these restrictions limit the legal means that can be used
For example:- Archery
- Centerfire Rifles with Mounted Scopes
- Means Not Allowed — these restrictions specify the only means that can not be used
For example:- Shotguns
- Handguns
Prohibited Acts on Drawn Hunts
Unless an exception is provided for a specific area, activity or time period, a person entering or attempting to take wildlife resources on any of the Public Hunting Lands commits an offense and is subject to legal prosecution and removal from the area if that person:
Access to the Units:
- enters or exits the area at any location other than an authorized entry or exit location;
- fails to possess the required permit, hunting license and appropriate stamp endorsements;
- fails to check in and out at the check station as required.
General Conduct:
- fails to abide by all applicable statutes and regulations;
- fails to comply with conditions of the permit or rules, listed in Hunt Brochures, posted at the area, or conveyed by departmental personnel;
- is under the influence of alcohol or consumes an alcoholic beverage while engaged in hunting activities, or publicly consumes or displays an alcoholic beverage;
- fails to deposit refuse in a designated trash container or fails to remove it from the area as required;
- disturbs or removes plants, wood, rocks, gravel, sand, soil, shell, artifacts, or other objects from public hunting lands without proper authorization;
- writes on, scratches, or otherwise defaces natural features, signs, buildings, or other structures;
- conducts business concessions; sells, buys, rents, leases, or peddles goods, merchandise, or services to the public unless specifically authorized in writing by the executive director.
Hunter Orange:
- Fails to visibly wear a minimum of 400 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange material with 144 square inches appearing on both the chest and back and daylight fluorescent orange headwear while within the hunt area during daylight hours when hunting with firearms is permitted, except as exempted for:
- persons hunting turkey, migratory birds, alligators or desert bighorn sheep;
- persons within the enclosed passenger compartment of a motor vehicle;
- persons within a designated campground, designated vehicle parking area, designated boat launching facility or departmental check station.
Vehicles, Airboats and Horses:
- hunts or attempts to hunt any wildlife resource from a motor vehicle; Exception: It is lawful for disabled persons who are in possession of a state issued disabled parking placard or license plate to hunt from a stationary motor vehicle provided the hunting is not conducted on a designated road, in a parking area or campground, and the engine is not running;
- uses an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or off-road vehicle (ORV) unless allowed for specific hunts;
- uses an airboat unless allowed for specific hunts;
- uses a horse or any type of riding stock or pack animal unless allowed for specific hunts; if allowed, documentation of a negative Coggin's test (within the past 12 months) is required.
- uses a dog to hunt any bird or animal, except squirrels, rabbits, hares and game birds (other than turkey);
- fails to keep all dogs in designated campsites confined or leashed.
Trappings and Baiting:
- uses a trap, snare or dead fall, except handheld snares for taking alligators;
- uses recorded or electric calling devices to take wildlife resources other than predators and furbearing animals.
Tagging of Game:
- fails to immediately transport the carcass of a white-tailed or mule deer by the most direct route to the hunter check station to be tagged;
- removes harvested game from a public hunting unit without reporting it at the check station.
Means and Methods:
- possesses or hunts with means or by methods other than what is allowed for a specific hunt;
- uses or displays a firearm or other device in an obviously unsafe or threatening manner;
- possesses a loaded firearm in or on a vehicle, or within a designated campsite, parking area, launching facility or check station, except as provided for a disabled person;
- possesses or uses buckshot unless allowed for specific hunts.