Chaparral WMA: Hunting

Phone: (830) 676-3413
South Texas Ecosystem Project Office
64 Chaparral WMA Dr.
Cotulla, TX 78014

Contact: Bobby Allcorn, Project Leader

Dates Open:

General Public Use is allowed uninterrupted from April 1 through August 31 each spring and summer. Contact area manager for additional dates or special events. Public Hunts are available annually by special permit and annual permit.

Area Biologist: Diego Navarro and Lori Massey

Registration is required.


Hunting Permitted

Wildlife Management Areas have rules and regulations for hunting not required on private property. Hunters must possess a valid hunting license, the appropriate tags and stamps, as well as the proper public hunting permit. Permits include: Annual Public Hunting Permit (APH), computer drawn Special Permits, and the Regular Permit, which allows daily small game hunting on some areas. Hunters 16 years of age and younger are not required to have a hunting permit, but must have a hunting license and be supervised by a licensed, permitted adult, 18 years of age or older. Hunters and non-hunters must wear hunter orange during daylight hours at any time when firearm hunting for any species is authorized on the unit (except turkeys, waterfowl, and dove). For more details see the rules page for this WMA, the Summary of Fishing and Hunting Regulations and Public Hunting Lands Information and Maps.

In general, public hunts for rabbit, dove, quail, javelina, white-tailed deer, coyote and feral hogs are scheduled from September through March. Dove, quail, and rabbit hunting are available on specified dates at the Chaparral WMA for Annual Public Hunting Permit holders. Deer, javelina, coyote and feral hog hunting is available by Special Permit drawings only. Please refer to the Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet, the Application for Drawings on Public Hunting Lands, and the Outdoor Annual, for species, seasons, and bag limits.

Special Permit draw hunts may be scheduled from October through March of each year if the right conditions exist. Archery-only deer and javelina, gun deer and gun javelina, youth only antlerless deer, youth only buck and youth only javelina are offered annually. The Chaparral WMA offers some of the finest hunting in south Texas, not only providing an opportunity for hunters to enjoy the brush country, but also providing a challenging hunt. Hunts are by drawing only, so check out the guides and references and our listed hunt dates. Don't forget to check out our Standby Hunt Policy for those not fortunate enough to be drawn.

Chaparral WMA Map and Hunting regulations

Baiting is allowed at the manager's discretion.