Gus Engeling WMA: Fishing
Phone: (903) 928-2251
16149 North US Hwy 287
Tennessee Colony, TX 75861
Jeffrey Gunnels
Dates Open:
Open except for drawn hunts in fall and winter. Please call ahead when planning to visit during hunting season.
Dates Closed:
- October 16, 2023 through March 11, 2024
Daily On-site Registration is required of all public users. General public access to the area is during daylight hours through designated legal entry points only and by APH or LPU Permits.
Registration is required.
For general information on fishing requirements and restrictions, see the Outdoor Annual Fishing Regulations. For information on fishing licenses, stamps, and tags see Outdoor Annual Fishing Licenses.
Fishing is allowed anytime, except when the Area is closed for hunts. Game fish and non-game fish can be caught in the spring-fed creek, streams and lake. Canoes and kayaks are allowed. Alligators are a part of the natural habitat and should be considered dangerous. Check with WMA office for more information.