Caddo Lake WMA: Rules
Phone: (430) 502-2246
4752 FM 805
Jefferson, TX 75657
Vanessa Neace
Dates Open:
Open year round, except area closes for annual Drawn Hunts.
General Access
There are three information stations located on the south side of the WMA. One is located at the boat launch at SH 43 and Big Cypress Bayou. The second is located at the boat launch at the end of Park Road 2 in Caddo Lake State Park, and the third is located at Johnson's Ranch boat launch at the end of FM 2198 in Uncertain, Texas. There are two designated primitive camping areas. One is only accessible by boat and is located on the southwest end of Goat Island. The second can be reached by vehicle and is on the west side of the WMA, at the end of F. R. Camp Road (County Road 3414). There is paved parking on FM 805 East and FM 727.
Permits Required
A Limited Public Use (LPU) Permit is required to enter upon the land for non-consumptive recreational purposes and an Annual Public Hunting Permit (APH) Permit is required to hunt anywhere within the area. See Prohibited Acts for further restricitons. All visitors on the land portion of the WMA during daylight hours during hunting season must wear visibly seen safety orange. Campers, turkey and migratory bird hunters do not have to meet this request. An Annual Public Hunting Permit is not required for fishing from a boat.
Hunters 17 years of age and older must possess an Annual Public Hunting (APH) and a valid hunting license to hunt anywhere within the area.