Matador WMA: Fishing
Phone: (806) 492-3405
3036 FM 3256
Paducah, TX 79248
Chip Ruthven
Dates Open:
Year round.
Exception: Entire Area Closed for Special Permit Hunts
Connect with the Matador WMA on Facebook.
Registration is required.

For general information on fishing requirements and restrictions, see the Outdoor Annual Fishing Regulations. For information on fishing licenses, stamps, and tags see Outdoor Annual Fishing Licenses.
Fishing Dates: Concurrent with all hunts and May 8-August 31. Only in Middle Pease River. Pole and line only.
Beaver ponds and pools on the Pease River hold bass, bluegill, and catfish. All fishermen must possess an Annual Public Hunting (APH) Permit or Limited Public Use (LPU) Permit.