Black Gap WMA: Rules
Phone: (432) 376-2216
55 miles south of Marathon, 18mi down FM 2627
See maps and directions for specific location
Travis Smith
Dates Open:
Open year round, except closed for Special Permit hunts. Contact the WMA for specific information.
Registration is required.
General Access
Registration is at the self-registration booth, just outside of the headquarters compound fence. Visitors need to fill out the top portion of the registration card and deposit it through the slot in the information box. Visitors also need to sign-in on the ledger. This ledger information is needed in case of locating visitors during an emergency. The bottom portion of the registration card then needs to be filled out and deposited in the slot in the information box as you exit.
The Rio Grande River adjacent to the WMA falls within that segment of the river designated by the federal government as a Wild and Scenic river. Please be advised that special federal rules will apply to certain river activities. A copy of these rules will be posted at the WMA self-registration station. For additional information call the Big Bend National Park at 432/477-2251, menu option 3.
For information: Big Bend National Park website.
Permits Required
General Use and Visitation Information
- On-site registration is required by all public access by land, except driving tour participants. All general users, other than individuals participating in only the driving tour or persons including anglers who enter and exit the area by boat, must possess one of the following access permits:
APH Permit or LPU Permit. A permit is not required for the driving tour. - Use of Horses allowed only on designated trails and in river corridor only during March 1 - August 31.
- Campsites are available on area and campsite locations are identified at the area headquarters/sign-in stateion.
- General visitation is allowed only during the period March 1 - August 31 and is restricted to roads (Horse and Maravillas Canyons) accessing the Rio Grande Corridor.