Tawakoni WMA: Wildlife Viewing
Phone: (903) 881-8233
Fax: (903) 882-9093
21187 CR 4106
Lindale, TX 75771
Jeremy Mayhew
Dates Open:
Open year round.
Wildlife Viewing

Viewing wildlife is an enjoyable activity that is available in many of the Wildlife Management Areas of Texas.
Common Birds of Tawakoni Wildlife Management Area
- blackbird, Red-winged (Agelaius phoeniceus)
- bluejay (Cyanocitta cristata)
- cardinal, Northen (Richmondena cardinalis)
- chickadee, Carolina (Parus carolensis)
- crow, American (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
- cuckoo, Yellow-billed (Coccyzus americanus)
- egret, Cattle (Bubulcus ibis)
- egret, Great (Casmerodius albus)
- egret, Snowy (Leucophoyx thula)
- flycatcher, Scissor-tailed (Muscivora forficata)
- grackle, Common (Quiscalus quiscula?????)????g)
- hawk, Cooper's (Accipiter cooperii)
- hawk, Red-tailed (Buteo jamaicensis)
- heron, Great blue (Ardea herodias)
- heron, Green-backed (Butorides virescens)
- heron, Little blue (Florida caerulea)
- kestrel, American (Falco sparerius)
- Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
- kingbird, Eastern (Tyrannus tyrannus)
- kingfisher, Belted (Megacerycle alcyon)
- meadowlark, Eastern (Sturnella magna)
- mockingbird, Northern (Mimus polyglottos)
- nighthawk, Common (Chordeiles minor)
- oriole, Orchard (Icterus spurius)
- owl, Barred (Strix varia)
- owl, Great horned (Bubo varginianus)
- shrike, Loggerhead (Lanius ludovicianus)
- thrasher, Brown (Toxostoma rufun)
- titmouse, Tufted (Parus bicolor)
- vulture, Black (Coragyps atratus)
- vulture, Turkey (Cathartes aura)
- warbler, Prothonotary (Protonotaria citrea)
- woodpecker, Downy (Dendrocarpos pubescens)
- woodpecker, Pileated (Dryocopus pileatus)
- woodpecker, Red-headed (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
- woodpecker, Red-bellied (Centurus carolinus)