Tony Houseman/Blue Elbow Swamp WMA: Activities at a Glance

Phone: (936) 553-7641
8096 FM 2782
Nacogdoches, TX 75964

Contact: Hope Zubek

Dates Open: Open year round.


Hunting Permitted

Wildlife Management Areas have rules and regulations for hunting not required on private property. Hunters must possess a valid hunting license, the appropriate tags and stamps, as well as the proper public hunting permit. Permits include: Annual Public Hunting Permit (APH), computer drawn Special Permits, and the Regular Permit, which allows daily small game hunting on some areas. Hunters 16 years of age and younger are not required to have a hunting permit, but must have a hunting license and be supervised by a licensed, permitted adult, 18 years of age or older. Hunters and non-hunters must wear hunter orange during daylight hours at any time when firearm hunting for any species is authorized on the unit (except turkeys, waterfowl, and dove). For more details see the rules page for this WMA, the Summary of Fishing and Hunting Regulations and Public Hunting Lands Information and Maps.

Detailed Hunting Information for the Tony Houseman/Blue Elbow Swamp WMA


Camping Permitted
  • Users may not camp or build a fire anywhere other than in a designated campsite.
  • Users may not cause, create, or contribute to excessive or disturbing sounds beyond the person's immediate campsite between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Users may not establish a camp and leave it unattended for a period of longer than 24 hours.
  • Users must remove refuse from the area upon departing.
  • Cutting of firewood is prohibited.

Camping is allowed in cleared designated areas. The campgrounds are primitive with only picnic tables and fire rings.


Fishing Permitted

For general information on fishing requirements and restrictions, see the Outdoor Annual Fishing Regulations. For information on fishing licenses, stamps, and tags see Outdoor Annual Fishing Licenses.

Channel catfish is the main species found in the canal and river. Bank anglers must possess a valid APH permit. No trapping except for crawfish. No unattended fishing lines or crawfish traps allowed.


Hiking Permitted

Hiking is an enjoyable activity that is available in many of the Wildlife Management Areas of Texas. Since potable water is not available on many of the Wildlife Management Areas, it is a good idea to bring plenty of drinking water.

There are no designated hiking trails. But, there is a place to hike on Sand Ridge. Check with management for information on the location.

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife Viewing Permitted

Viewing wildlife is an enjoyable activity that is available in many of the Wildlife Management Areas of Texas.

Detailed Wildlife Viewing Information for the Tony Houseman/Blue Elbow Swamp WMA